All posts,  Horses

Random roll

This is a really weird little post today.  I don’t think I have been nearly weird enough lately… waaayyyyy too much organised sensible-ness going on.

Weird is good.  In my world anyway!  So brace yourselves, okay?

So a couple of days ago, I looked down towards the Quarters (an old cottage where our jackaroo and aspiring World Bull Riding Champion, Callum, resides).  And I noticed something weird.

So I took a photo (as you do – if you are me, anyway).

Shall I explain the image for you?
van_8930 er

Points to note:

1. Four hooves pointing skywards. Winchester the tall, lanky black gelding was looking to roll somewhere safe (he is NOT the top of the peck order in this paddock, and the Emporer – aka Trooper – was close by).

2.The Post.  I know. How well-placed is that centre pool fence post? No modesty leaf required for Winny. Far too clever!

3. The Panel van. Now I am not sure if these are internationally produced vehicles, but they are very practical for bull-riders (holding all kinds of equipment as well as providing cheap accomodation at whatever venue the driver might find themselves at).  Very popular in the ’70s and often decked out with bubble windows, curtains and surfing decal.  Also known as a PV, Shaggin’ Wagon etc etc.  There are a whole raft of puns waiting to be released with the combination of this vehicle and legs in the air. But I am not the kind of girl to talk like that! (Much).

4. The Red dust.  It’s a documented fact that no vehicle at Granite Glen is not slightly orange tinted. Cal wants to spray paint this vehicle orange (I explained he’s a rodeo nut, didn’t I?) but I reckon if he fails to wash it for long enough, it’ll be luminous terracotta permanently anyway!

5. Our pool is BLUE.  This is nothing short of miraculous. It has been varying hues of green, brown and red over the past few weeks… and then FINALLY decided to clear and go blue.  I will not be sharing how much time, effort and chemical went into getting it this way. And how much hair was torn out. And despite it being almost April I am now almost FORCING people to swim.  I am diving in every day because GOSH DARNIT… it’s clear and BLUE!  (So are the swimmers when they get out, but it’s a small price to pay, I say.)

6. Grass. Yes, it’s wonderful that it is so green.Yes, I can see it needs mowing. Yes, I promise to do it tomorrow. As with housework, I like to make sure there is a dramatic ‘before’ and ‘after’ effect. (That is my story, and I am sticking with it).

Heh.  There you go. A weird glimpse into my life, and the way my mind works.

In other updates:

  • The ‘Educating Alice’ contest is now closed. Alice is in Brissy for her official Queensland launch of her book (which is going great guns on best-seller lists) and will be choosing winners when she gets a breather soon.  Thanks so much for the amazing array of fabulous questions (I am particularly interested to hear her answer to Bill’s question!).  I will be sharing her (and Rick’s) answers to some of your questions next week!
  • Thanks for your great responses to my last post – I admit to panicking a little after I had posted up my’expert advice’ on getting comments, that no-one would comment on the post! Hah! Appreciate you all helping me look less dorky by taking the time to drop a line. That could’ve been REALLY embarrassing!

Anyway my friends, over and out for today.  Will share the winners from the book giveaway as soon as I get the judges’ verdicts through.



  • Debby

    I have discovered that there is always a something to laugh about, no matter what. Even if you don’t have a horse rolling in the front lawn and a jackaroo w/ a shaggin’ wagon, and blue water.
    Debby´s last blog post ..Perfect Day

  • Lynda M O

    That blue pool looks ever so inviting. I love watching horses roll, they look so ungainly and yet they always manage to get back on their feet. I had the pleasure of driving cross country in the summer of 82 in a PV and I will never forget the experience. Those were the days we’d sleep under stars and think we were rich.
    Lynda M O´s last blog post ..Sleeping Under Diamonds Tonight !~!

  • Anne

    A very strategically placed post there as I am am sure you meant 😉 just like those baby bath photos with the washer in the right spot. A little or a lot weird is always good. Glad your pool is blue.
    Anne´s last blog post ..Easter Fun

  • oopsiemumma

    Extremely impressed with your blue pool! Now that’s something to brag about 🙂 I’m stealing your idea that you hold off on housework until you get a good before and after shot. I’m pretty sure I’m only a day away from an awesome before shot. xo

  • Colin Huggins

    Strange place to “roll” – between a vehicle and a pool fence?
    Maybe “Winchester” aspires to be Major Charles Emerson Winchester III, B.S.(Hons.), M.D. (Harvard) and Boston General fame in M.A.S.H. of the 4077th???
    He, your horse, Winchester, wants to be the top horse in the paddock?
    Certainly one way for a horse to get attention. Very amusing photo to have captured. Well done.

  • Colin Huggins

    I have just again had a brilliant idea.
    This “vehicle and bedroom when travelling” of rodeo champion of the future, one Callum, owner of a possible vehicle of shagging etc., would not the wonderful other character of the M.A.S.H, the very military minded Major Margaret J. “Hot Lips” Houlihan of the 4077, be employed to do a thorough check on said Callum’s vehicle. I am sure the Major would get to the bottom of it all. Would save you from doing routine health and safety checks???

    I blame the strange weather down here plus the 26 March 1827, the demise of Ludwig van Beethoven for my
    observations and comment(s).
    His choral singers, the wretched crows of our colony, at least were quite, only one lamenting bugger on Tuesday,26th,
    in his memory, now they are back in full voice with the 5th Symphony!

  • Carol Alex

    That is so funny. That bad boy had an itch, LOL. The pool looks so refreshing and the grass is green, and needs cutting, and if it were me I would put off the mowing as long as I could get away with it. Sounds like a plan to me.

  • Kelly

    Well this was fun! A picture really is worth a thousand words!

    I can relate to the trouble and expense of keeping (getting?) a pool blue. It’s one of the reasons ours is full of tomato plants every summer now that the kids are grown.
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Palm Sunday 2013

  • Colin Huggins

    Yep – back to normal BB.
    Damn that pest, Viagra!
    Debby: Shovel the snow away and then you can do your mowing. What an excuse to have? You’ll end up with a veritable jungle when the snow melts – ha ha!

  • jeanie

    Smart Winchester.

    I remember when Tradesman was not the top horse, and Cattleman pooped in the gateway and then shut him in the yard!!

    The kids are currently at the beach because it was sunny yesterday, and dognabbit, both they and I (V not so much) were looking forward to it. Ah, the house to myself for 20 minutes!!
    jeanie´s last blog post ..Paradismal Displays and Diction Delight

  • Carol Alex

    Bill and Debby,I will not mow either because I am way further north than Debby, HA! Woo Hoo, it’s going on 11PM here. I should turn into a pumpkin around midnight.

    • Bill

      Here in the valley of the great Ohio River the late snow and frosts have kept the tree buds held back. “Maybe” the delayed warmup will not have a late freeze and I can have local fruit this year.

  • Carol Alex

    My Lilacs and Weeping Cherry tree have little leaf buds on the branches and I hope we don’t have a frost but chances are we will up here. I hope not. It was warm so early last year that hardly anything flowered. Hate when that happens.

  • Nancy in Iowa

    I don’t mow. I rent. I’ve done my share over the years, and at this stage of my life I wouldn’t have it any other way!

    Now, that’s a horse who won’t let anything get in the way of a good scratch!

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