Easter Wrap
Well, THAT was Easter, eh? Hope you had a lovely/exciting/joy-filled/peaceful weekend (pick your wished-for descriptive).
As I alluded to last post, ours was definitely a bush-flavoured break. And while I probably should be packing for a couple of days away, I decided to skim some shots from the past four days to share a little of our Easter ‘festivities’…
Firstly, the traditional Easter Hat parade at our two-teacher school (yes, it’s gone up a teacher since last year!),
Our kids like decorating an old mustering hat – Violet’s had a cotton ball nest, silver cutout chicks and felt-penned eggs shells from breakfast that morning. With tinsel. Her friend Z went for bunny ears and tinsel egg decoration.
Dash went for a fishing theme (yes, the kid is obsessed) – the Easter Bunny is holding a rod (top) with many silver cutout ‘eggs’ dangling via staples from the brim. With Christmas ribbon.
Easter Saturday brought a lovely lazy day by the river with some of my cousins. This adorable set of toes belong to the youngest offspring of…
THIS woman…
Em the Incredible. Her sister is currently competing at the Australian Waterski titles in Darwin. I suspect Em wouldn’t mind doing the same thing. Wouldn’t THAT be something, after four kids? Hmmmm…
We looked after some mud-luvvin’ kids on the sidelines.
Apparently Dash was the self-appointed Mud Monster. There was much screaming. And much, much muddy FUN!
After being dunked in the nearby trough, and towel dried, some of the youngsters went for some i-fun. Violet shares her musical tastes with second cousins…
And three-year-old Phil (twin of Zoe at left) immediately broke into the appropriate (Gangnam) moves.
One of my favourite pics from Saturday – Phil and his cousin Ed, checking out the fishy action from a safe, mud-free vantage point.
Sunday brought a few visitors, including my parents (no pics sorry – too busy talking!) and Mrs S (Dash and Violet’s teacher and my friend) with her hubby and their darling little girl, Josie.
Josie took a trial ride on Rob Roy. Our little chestnut ball of cheekiness has been languishing (unridden) in one of our house paddocks for a couple of years now. Mr Incredible has a very soft spot for Rob Roy, and refuses to sell him. But Mr and Mrs S proposed simply to borrow his Royal Roundness for a year or so…
And after Josie gave him the seal of approval, we all agreed.
He needs a dose of little girl lovin’… although maybe a little less tucker might be in order. That belly nearly scraped the edge of the side-load ramp into the truck as he set off for his new home yesterday! (please take the time to check out the Rob Roy link – from when we first got him FIVE years ago!)
Horses have been the entertainment of choice most of the weekend for this resident…
Sandy the Palomino recieved more than his fair share of attention…
While Dash has spent every spare moment fishing, Violet has been riding. (They certainly are consistent, our kids!)
We need to get a horse chiropractor to Sandy, but he behaved quite well for his determined little jockey who worked him relentlessly. Luckily she is a featherweight!
Sunday afternoon was one of those almost-English lit kind of afternoons… we went down the hill to visit our little bulls and came across this bovine buddy. He was as wild as ever (not)…
And cracked us up with his yawning (especially when Dash joined in!).
All in all, it was a lovely, laid-back, family-and-friends-filled few days…
We are planning a little beach visit shortly (apparently Dash wants to go fishing!).
How was your Easter? What were your highlights?
Your favorite picture of Phil and Ed watching from a mud free vantage point? Looks like little Phil waded through a bit of mud to get there. Love the pictures!
Debby´s last blog post ..Impatient
BB of Oz
Naw… that’d just be a little residue after the trough dip. You DID see the before pics didn’t you?? LOL.
Hi Amanda, Love it! Definitely going to be back regularly to see what you and your family have been up to. Great photo’s, quirky dialogue makes for a great read. Making me miss living in the bush though!! I wish my kids were having a bush upbringing. Lovely speaking with you today. Will be in touch! Cheers Joneen
Joneen´s last blog post ..Cowgirl Up Short Sleeve Top ~ Wing Snake All Over
BB of Oz
Welcome Joneen!!
Sounds like a lovely way to spend Easter. I love the photos and it looks like the kids had tonnes of muddy fun. I love the photo of Dash and friend yawning, so funny.
I had a quiet and different Easter of which I think the highlight was walking up the paddock … actually up and down and up and down the paddocks to hunt out a cow and calf. A very different Easter hunt that. Unfortunately no calf was no where to be found but the cow is well we are hoping she is just a very good calf hider.
Enjoy your beach trip.
Anne´s last blog post ..Happy Easter
BB of Oz
Shall do Anne – hope that calf comes out of hiding! 🙂
I certainly enjoyed seeing all your fun with family and friends.
For me it was early morning church followed by coffee and marmalade monkey bread, then a quiet rainy day.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Happy Easter!
Carol Alex
Oh, I love the pics. Looks like you all had a great time. Violet is a really serious horse woman. Mud caked kids are the cutest. We had family and friends over, lots of food and conversation. It rained in the morning but cleared by noon so the weather cooperated.
Looks like fun was had by all, Amanda – great pics, as always.
Scotty´s last blog post ..Reminiscing