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Weekend 2 – dew & draft debuts

It was a big weekend of events for our two youngsters, who saddled up (pardon the predictable pun) to some very country-oriented pursuits.

Saturday brought with it heavy fogs and nervous excitement, as Dash and Violet competed in the Junior Campdraft (under 13 years) .  (Please check here and here if this sport is not familiar to you yet.)

After a 5.30am wake-up call  and 7am starting time, the kids were all butterflies in the shifting Autumn fog.

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They warmed their horses up before heading to the arena to compete.


Dash is notoriously nervous about riding (beforehand, and then once he’s on board his trusty steed Pickles, it’s All Systems GO).  He was second into the camp yard (after a VERY good little local rider who chased her heifer like a seasoned pro).

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Pickles behaved himself nicely, although not NEARLY speedily enough for his jockey. They carefully hacked around and did a nice first peg before going slightly off course at the second.

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Violet has been BUSTING to campdraft for a couple of years now. Turning eight was beyond exciting for her, as she is now officially old enough to take part.  (I suspect she has a lot of her great-grandmother in her – Pagi’s mother – who was a mad-keen horsewoman and Aussie campdraft champ in her day).

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Here she is getting last-minute advice from her Dad, while Sandy snatches a last mouthful of grass before getting into business.

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A picture of focus as she sets her mind to the task at hand…

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That gaze did not waver from that beast… and she was barely parted the rest of the day from that saddle.

Unlike her brother who was delighted to cart away a third prize ribbon for his efforts, leave Pickles to recover beside the truck and muck around with his mates.

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The kids’ event was all over by 7.30am.


The fog which had seemed like it was going to lift then came rolling back in…

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Making spectating quite the guessing-game for a while… as horse, rider and bovine emerged from the mist as they navigated the course…

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They may not be classic campdraft pics, but I do love the effect of a misty white background!

The day then opened up to a glorious clear Autumn  day – startling sunshine and some serious action in the arena…

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If you are paying attention you will recognise this guy (who also features in this campdraft Go-Pro footage).

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If you are wondering, the tails-aloft thing the cattle sometimes do is a great indicator of a potential good run – the beast is enjoying a bit of a gallop too!

My hubby was delighted to FINALLY get to play a little… it’s been a long wait for a local draft he could attend (with lots of post-flood postponements).  His first couple of runs were a little rusty, but Jill gave him a great ride in the Open Draft.


Look at them fly – look at that determination!

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Look at that great position. Look at that hat go flying! (heh).

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And look at that (almost) full course!  A great feeling when you get it right…

Of course, for me, it’s all about capturing some of the action and catching up with friends… recognise this little steed anyone?

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Rob Roy himself, out and about with his new jockey, Miss Josie!

‘Twas a lovely day, well worth the early start…

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How bout you? 

What did your weekend activities consist of?

Any early mornings?



  • Colin Huggins

    Well “Mr I” has the hang of things that is obvious. As it is in the genes, Dash and Violet will, be just as good – maybe better?
    Watch out “Mr.I”, but I guess he will be the proudest Dad in Australia.

  • KAddy

    Awesome again….
    My lovely husband arranged to get me off the couch and out to a bush breakky around the campfire at a friends property. It was exactly what I needed.
    Hopefully I will get some action shots this weekend at the local rodeo. Depending on what I get ‘roped’ into doing I guess. x

  • debby

    I was up early every day this weekend, but I must say, there was not nearly the excitement here as there was there. Your incredible family had an incredible day, while their incredible mother took some incredible pictures for an incredible post.

    My two favorite things: Picture 5, because the expression on Violet’s face indicates that she might be giving Dad pointers…and the twisty cow tail in picture 12.

    Congratulations all!
    debby´s last blog post ..and then the miracle happened…

  • Nancy in Iowa

    I’ve loved fog ever since my days in the San Francisco Bay Area, got some video of fog rolling over the hills north of the city, but NEVER got any shots that came even close to your amazing ones. BTW – even with my glasses on I misread your 3rd paragraph and had quite a giggle when I thought you wrote “shitting Autumn fog”!

    Kudos to Mr. I and the kids!

  • Carol Alex

    BB the pics are great even if the weather wasn’t great in the morning. The kids were terrific and so cute, and Mr I was havin’ lots of fun, finally. Baby Josie on Rob Roy was very sweet.
    Our weekend was spent visiting friends. We started our day one morning extra early because someone set the alarm button by accident, Can’t believe it may have been me, not moi? HA! Well hey, stuff just happens some times when your going after dust bunnies. Think I’ll give that job up since they just keep coming back anyway.

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