Short & sharp …
The days are definitely shortening here, as winter approaches in the Queensland bush.
(Well it’s descending on the entire southern hemisphere I believe, but I can only report on this corner of the world with any certainty!). I have been washing laundry like a woman possessed (a week away from home will do that – strangely the washing fairies didn’t visit while I was away!) and not really in the photo-taking mood. Who needs to see someone else’s piles of dirty clothes?
But as I type this I remember a regular post I used to run here called ‘World Weather Watch’ … and thought I really should make an effort to bring it back. I love me some good* weather, don’t you?
Temperatures are dropping too – prompting me to stay inside a lot (tending the washing machine) and also promting the first fire of the season in our old fireplace here at Granite Glen.
Das and Violet were more than happy to collect the kindling (effectively postponing homework time!)…
Ducks (who don’t feel the cold apparently) were allowed in for a quick dip in the pool before their bedtime – after all, at about 10C no humans were fighting them off for the privelege of a swim there!
Then I looked out to the west, as the sun peeped through clouds and the Silky Oaks…
Twinkly and sweet.
Even the cobwebs look pretty in that light…
And for the 20 seconds this bit of sunset lasted… the bokeh was just gorgeous.
Looking beyond the old yards to the sunset proper…
Then north-west to our ‘knob’ and a streaky cool farewell from the sun.
A final glow over the carport and old yards before nightfall…
All sunset shots taken within four minutes. Seriously. Aussie sunset are short, sharp and sensational, no?
Weather forecast for here for tomorrow (Wednesday May 21, 2013) is for:
Temps of 8C – 17C
90% chance of 10-20mm of rain.
Cool and wet.
(Hope the dryer is working!)
What’s the weather in your neck of the woods?
Looking forward to your reports in comments.
* Of course, such terrible destruction from wild tornadoes in the American Mid-West. My heart and thoughts goes to those who have been affected there.
Helen Gardner
Oklahoma – Raining at the moment in central with highs expected about 80 F. The rain should let up by noon and debris removal and body recovery should go better. EF 5 tornadoes pack winds over 200 m.p.h. Several schools were hit and the worst was an elementary that took a direct hit and a lot of lives were lost. Confirmed deaths are 51 now with an expectation of about 40 more when rescuers get the elementary school cleared. A bad, heartbreaking day in Moore Oklahoma, just south of Oklahoma City OK. Pray for the families and the rescuers.
BB of Oz
We have definitely been doing that Helen!! We are watching updates this morning and reading people’s experiences… terrifying.
Gretchen in KS
Have had two days of severe weather, but lucky enough not to get hit by anything as bad as the Moore tornado. Two inches of rain, two days running means our creek will be full, but shouldn’t be over its banks. This morning so far is cool and gray, and all the rain means the trees are almost comic-book green. Second-to-last day of school for the kids before their summer break. Starting into the hot-and-sticky season, so the cool is welcome, for the moment. Certain to be plenty of puddles to splash through on my way to town. Wishing everyone a better today, and a better tomorrow.
Wasn’t the sky gorgeous this evening?
No fires here (although some neighbours do have them from the smell of things) but definitely time for the flannies.
jeanie´s last blog post ..The May Post
Nancy in Iowa
My heart is breaking for Moore, Oklahoma. My sister called me from North Carolina over the weekend, worried that I would have tornadoes, but we’ve had pretty good weather here in the SW corner of Iowa. Some rain, which we could use, but mostly sunny and in the 80s (F). We have had the longest winter ever here – most places in the US had Spring arrive in March or April at the latest. A week ago today it was suddenly 105F here, and the week before it had snowed. Every day since has been in the 80s, which is acceptable to me!
Lynda M O
Many family in OK, near where it happened and less than 200 k away as well. Very scary and unsettling. We’re blessed with sun and glorious Springtime in NoCal but it’s hard to enjoy with the memories and news of the Midwest….
Lynda M O´s last blog post ..May Nearly Half Gone…
GORGEOUS sunset. You’ll have to find those laundry fairies and give them a talking too. After all a person has better things to do when the sun is turning tree leaves to glowing green. I’m glad you have your priorities right.
Lovely photos today!
I’m in south Arkansas and we’re currently under a tornado watch. My heart aches for those in Oklahoma and all the areas dealing with severe weather.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Hissssss!
BB of Oz
Praying you stay out of the tornado path there Kelly… 🙂
I am so glad that I stopped by today, because I learned that in OZ the sun still sets in the west. Meanwhile , here in the valley of the great Ohio River USA the stormdoor is banging, the bugs are buzzing, the grass needs mowing and it is 85*F and windy.
BB of Oz
Yes Bill, we may live Down Under but we are NOT back to front!
Cindy D
I am new to your blog, but gosh your pictures are gorgeous.
I am in WY, it is sunny and starting to warm up finally. Just got over 2 full days of steady rain.
I also pray for the families of OK and other areas dealing with Tornado’s and sever weather.
BB of Oz
Welcome Cindy!! Thanks and hope you get some sunshine and warmth today. 🙂
It is hot and muggy here, 31c. I am not complaining. I am sitting here watching the news in Oklahoma and feeling quite blessed. We are expecting rain tomorrow, and my vegetables sorely need it.
debby´s last blog post ..That cat.
Sidenote question. Are Axel and the ducks cohabiting successfully now?
Colin Huggins
Brisbane weather: Cold, bleak and that wretched drizzle nuisance stuff – and my washing day! Buckleys hope of it drying, still it can return out for hopefully better weather tomorrow???
Yes to all your US viewers, terrible about the Oklahoma twister. Plenty of news coverage here on TV and in the papers – even to the point of maps being shown of paths of this twister and previous ones.
Fleur McDonald
So lucky to have had 42mm over the last day. Had to stoop seeding because the tractor will get bogged, but I believe that’s a small price to pay!
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..Down she pours…
Wow I love those sunset photos, the twinkly sun, I can just imagine it. I find myself almost wishing for the cooler weather and wood fires but then I remember I hate being cold. I do miss it however and the weather here isn’t the most comfortable with it still being around 24/25 degrees C at almost 9pm with 88% humidity and not much of a breeze at all. Hard to remember this is almost winter.
Tomorrows forcast is for a min of 21 and top of 30 with a 90% chance of showers. UV index very high and after my lunch time wander outside at 3pm (yes a very late one) that sun is a scorcher.
Enjoy your nippy weather and fire.
Anne´s last blog post ..Sunrise over the Corn
Colin Huggins
Brisbane weather update:
Blue skies with a bright yellow thing shinning. Result will be fresh, dry clothes of yesterday’s futile attempt! Amen.
Grahamstown South Africa: Winter easing in slowly (thankfully). Perfect for afternoon sun-naps and snuggling under woolly blankets in the evening. This weekend we’re in for highs of 25 and 22C, partly cloudy, but no rain thankfully.
Tara´s last blog post ..Home to Home