Little things, big things, other things….
It has been quite a week – filled with events, action, chaos and exciting news.
It’s hard to know where to begin so I shall start randomly (nothing new there!) on my NEWS HEADLINES FOR THE WEEK:
Mum and Dad are having a ball on their Trip of a Lifetime.
I would use a travel photo of them but they haven’t shared one yet! HINT HINT, MUM.
From the information gleaned thus far, they are having fun revelling in as many English historical sites as Mum can schedule – Chelsea Flower show was great but very wet, and Dad is apparently happily learning a lot of history. And when he gets sick of whatever castle they are at, he plugs himself into his ipod shuffle and lets Slim Dusty do the talking.
We have had a couple of phonecalls, many missed Skype messages, one semi-successful Skype chat and NO Facebook updates. I know, right? A couple of random garden shots have been emailed back but as yet, not ONE selfie has been shared. I am suspicious they are having WAYYYYY too much fun to update us! Heh. Either that, or Mum has forgotten her Facebook login again.
My husband had a party on the weekend. This IS newsworthy, as he is quite famous for his lack of social activity. After years of talking about it, we had finally tracked down a suitable wood-fired pizza oven for our deck and he decided he was very keen to try out his spanking new toy on friends and family.
If you read this post, you will know the first efforts at pizza-making were successful. Being hostess and chief pizza dough roller on Sunday night meant that precious few photos (make that none) got taken of the en masse results.
We were lucky to have many people travel from Brisbane and Gladstone for the occasion, with many staying on to have a sleepover – lots of fun (and not much sleep for the hostess!). NB Please note the behaviour of my cousin E and her husband J in photo above… I would say ‘get a room’ but they provided 6 beds for guests in their gooseneck trailer, so I’d better be nice!
Note also my friend OopsieMumma in this shot (teeny tiny thing in the stripey shirt, beside her suspiciously clucky-looking husband with E and J’s baby boy!). This pair were fantastic help in the leadup to the party, as well as during. Aren’t great mates worth their weight in gold?
As a result of the lead-up and party efforts, I seem to have caught Man Flu. A cough appears to have made itself right at home, along with a desire to crawl back under the covers for a month. I have also lost my voice – funny for my kids, frustrating for me, and (I suspect) another gift for my husband! Any remedies gratefully accepted…
Over at the BB of Oz Facebook page (which I really consider an extention of this blog) we have hit the 600 likers mark. Pretty fabulous! To celebrate I am going to host a little giveaway next week. When the Man Flu lets go and I get organised.
I have been asked to put together an exhibition of photos in a fabulous local pub. I am delighted to be asked but am currently tearing my hair out trying to choose images. If you can help me select a couple, I would be most grateful. I hate making decisions!
I had an email last week which blew me away. It was from the National Library of Australia, asking me for permission to archive this blog in the Pandora Web Archive . I was in town, sitting in my car reading this email on my phone and alternately grinning like a fool and then frowning, convinced it was a hoax. Several phonecalls later and it was confirmed. This little bush blog was chosen to help represent this part of Australian life, in this era, for posterity. I have no idea how many others are also archived in this manner, but I do know that I am stoked to be included!
Part of me wonders… how are readers in the years and decades and centuries to come going to see my blog? Will they laugh at point and say ‘Remember how they used to use HTML and everything was just 2D?’
And just THINK… your witty comments on my posts are ALSO archived for posterity! Ha!
Other stuff has been happening too – I have many fun cattlework photos for you, some foggy shots and ‘catch-up with kids’ images. But in my bleary, sleep-deprived state, I’ll bow out today with a snap taken at the end of our long, fun-filled weekend.
Right now I need a cup of tea and a lie down. See you, post-Man Flu. (Apparently I have til tomorrow to get over it – weaning work waits for no-one!).
BB — I just moved around and reordered my bookmarks and you are very near the top, just above Pioneer woman. Thought you might like to know. Rest and be well.
Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Oh, my friend, I am so very proud of you. That is great. I remember this blog when it started, and look at you now! I’m grinning like a cheshire cat over here. Your little glimpses of your world are perfect, whether you are writing, or taking pictures or both.
Pictures suggestion? That one of the two kangaroos in the mist is the latest to make me happy.
This whole blog post was a celebration!
debby´s last blog post ..Nash
Except for the flu thing. That’s not nuthin’ to celebrate..
PANDORA ! That’s FANtastic and well deserved.
Your deck looks fab with the Bimbadeen sign.
Images for Exhibition – Will they also be for sale? I’d select those which evoke emotion and have a sense of timelessness. There you go, that narrowed it down for you – NOT! Oh and bums with spurs on a fence are always good. All your images are amazing Amanda. xx
Jac´s last blog post ..Drink out of a Lense!
Julie in Aust.
This is a great post BB…love the way you covered so many topics.
Congrats on Pandora…what an amazing compliment!
Much envy for hubby’s Pizza Oven…looks like the pizzas are pretty much perfect to me. The deck looks like it was built for the Pizza Oven! Good looking crowd too.
Photos…wow…where to start!!! Definitely dont envy you there! The misty ones are always beautiful, anything with water and reflections, and all your snowy photos are gorgeous, the kids always make me smile, especially with the horses and bulls. I guess you have to go with your heart BB…cant go wrong there!
Wish I could visit your exhibition…post lots of pics please?
Get well soon…sharing the sore throat…ugh!
Congrats on being Pandoraed. I was several years ago and it is amusing to look back because it keeps how your blog looked back then and not now. I queried a couple of times why I was chosen when I thought there were many more worthy but apparently I capture now from a ‘different’ angle to most.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Doctor’s Advice
BB of Oz
That’s great Andrew… is there a link so we can see an ‘older’ look of your blog?
Scary, but this was the first time I was archived. It amuses and appals me to read some of what I wrote. http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/76602/20070920-0000/highriser.blogspot.com/index.html
Andrew´s last blog post ..Doctor’s Advice
So much good stuff here! I’m with Debby on the foggy kangaroo shot. Actually, any of your calendar shots (from any year) would be great.
Sure hope you’re feeling better very soon!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Dialect Maps for the US
Colin Huggins
C’mon BB – your Mum and Dad are having a ball, far too busy for Facebook etc.
Trust the weather has been OK. My neighbours just got back from a month of touring – bike riding from Vienna to Budapest along the “Blue or not so blue Danube”. Then Bratislava which is the political, cultural, and economic centre of Slovakia. From Budapest, they came back to eventually Rome by various other means – trains and buses, no more bike pedalling!
Needless to say they were “over the moon” with European Rail Travel!!!!!! So good and clean and on time!
Now this place, Bratislava, is a city to put on your “must do list”. Just check the history on google!
Unfortunately the weather was not real kind and it was rainy and cold. I sure hope that your folks get better weather when they troop off to Europe. Regrettably Salzburg for a 1/2 day stopover, did them no favours weather wise, but they enjoyed their walks around the old city part. Actually they said they froze! But freeze or no freeze, they can say they have been there and would like to return for all the tours. Weather can be a real bugger sometimes on well planned holidays – very annoying and inconvenient to say the least.
My two sisters leave on Friday for Budapest to do the Danube tour on one of those floating river cruisers, and then the canals to the Rhine and finally Amsterdam. After this news of the weather conditions, they are repacking warmer clothes. This “hotel/cruise” will take with heaps of stopovers one month. Bratislava is on the route, so I am looking forward to their e-mail reports on that place.
The party for “Mr I” looks great, very Australian and heaps of fun no doubt. Now get back to the weaning work, some things can’t be put off, eh?
Raining still in Brisbane! So maybe Europe can’t claim all the rain!
Nope. Europe can’t claim it all. It doesn’t seem to be stopping here, either.
debby´s last blog post ..Nash
Nancy in Iowa
Congratulations, on 600, the pub exhibition, and the Pandora selection! Of course, my first thought on reading “Pandora” was that you had expanded into music, but then I’m a Yank and the only Pandora I know (beside the famous mythic Box) is the internet music offering. I second what everyone else said about your photo selection. I’m proud to have 2 of yours, and love everything you capture.
Sorry I missed the party!
A Novel Woman
A Novel Woman
And for your throat, try a shot of whisky. Neat. Take little sips. You could mix it with warm water and honey but why would you?
A Novel Woman´s last blog post ..Shameless Self-promotion
Is the idea to feel better, or to be drunk enough that it ceases to matter?
debby´s last blog post ..Stepping out of Her Rut
BB of Oz
LOL – you guys are SO helpful. Mr I recommended rum and lemon. Apparently you put the lemon at the foot of the bed and drink rum til you can’t see the lemon anymore… cold forgotten!!
debby´s last blog post ..Stepping out of Her Rut
Colin Huggins
I don’t think the idea of “Mr.I” will work.
Certainly will make you sleep/forget etc.
Hope your Mum and Dad are not reading the medical advice of TOH!
You won’t be much use in this upcoming weaning process. ( Cattle that is!)
They might be on the next plane back!
BB of Oz
Colin, they know me well enough to know I don’t touch rum at the best/worst of times! Yuk. Scotch, on the other hand…