Star billing…
As you know, we have puppies here…
(If you missed it, here is the Introduction!)
They are growing and all have their eyes WELL and truly opened… and they are now officially FUN! With school holidays underway here in Oz, they have been getting a lot of visits from Dash and Violet and their visiting cousins…
Luckily they don;t mind be handled en masse.
And take some individual attention too!
Yes, quite Adorable. With a capital A!
Eight lots of cute is a HEAP of awwwwwss…
Especially when they pretend they are Big Dogs…
We are the World Wrestling Federation Puppy Fighters! Grrrrrrr….
I just need somebody who understands me…
I need someone to get this gosh-darned hair out of my right eye!
And yes, they do get a break from the little humans on occasion…
So if anyone needs any VERY well-handled pups, let me know.
Colin Huggins
8 pups eh? Looks like 7 are black and white and one tan and black, or do I need my eyes tested???
Quite the maternity ward at your place this summer! Trust the two foals are having fun together?
Have you had any of that wet stuff from above yet to green you all up? Storm here,BNE, late afternoon, thank God yesterday to spare us from the sauna conditions, but not too much stuff from above, but at least it cooled everyone down.
Have a great 2014 with good weather for the cattle etc.
Lynda M Otvos
Puppy Love is the finest kind. I’m looking for a kitty that needs a home. We lost CatCAt earlier this month and I’m very lonesome without a pet so hopefully our new kitty will find us soonest. Your maternity ward is going full bore !~! Foals and pups-it’s a full life.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..Happy Holidays to You
No. Not nearly enough ‘cute’ posts lately. My gosh, between kids, puppies and foals, you’ve got enough cute fodder to last you forever! (or at least until they grow up…)
debby´s last blog post ..Best Christmas Gift Ever
I’m not sure how much more cuteness I can stand! I SO badly want you to box up one or two of those and ship them to me! Alas, I already have enough pups with seven.
Keep the photos coming!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Reading Wrap-up for 2013
PUPPIES! So adorable! Love their markings. They will all make great pets with all the handling they are getting now.
LindaP´s last blog post ..Actual Knitting
So, so GORGEOUS!!!!
Jayne´s last blog post ..December 30 woop woop
Carol Alex
Very cute little babies. Love the foals too!