Weekend warriors
It’s Show Season out here… a few weeks where a flurry of small towns showcase their local talent, with events and contests for a huge range of skills.
There’s the woodchopping – it takes strength, agility, courage and skill. (Defintely the last one – or you could lose a toe!)
The tree event is my favourite – my heart is in my mouth as those guys balance on planks high in the air as they weild razor-sharp axes.
The guy in the foreground was second in the world at the Sydney Royal Show recently. It’s a handicapped event so he had an enormous time ‘penalty’ in this event.
That’s his Dad chopping beside him… he was taking it easy, letting the young fellas have a crack!
About to send that block flying…
Then there is the slightly more sedate (but amazingly skilled) arena, in the Show Pavilion…
Novelty cakes are my favourite – how cool is this castle? Ice cream cones for turrets/roofs/whatever castles have as lids!
Check out the checkerboard cake!! Wowsers… makes my mudcakes look kinda boring.
And my VERY favourite offering – can you see what these cupcakes are decorated as?
A roast chicken dinner!!!!! I am in awe…
Of course we had the Junior Cattle Judging…
There were a HUGE number of entries – a LOT of kids to listen to. But it’s so great to see them growing in confidence each time they have a go.
Violet very subtly checking out the ‘underline’ of this bull. (Boy bits need to be ‘tidy’ so they don’t hurt themselves. Trust me on this.)
Violet tells the crowd about her choices – she even looked UP – well done!!
The relief when her turn was over was pretty evident. (Aside: those dimples never fail to slay me.)
The Grand Parade is a traditional highlight of any show… A chance to sit back and take in the ‘cream of the crop’ so to speak…
It’s fun to see the ribbons festooned over winning animals…
With best-costumed kids and ponies steaking the limelight a little…
And gorgeous girls (showgirl entrants and winners) adding a little glamour to the scene.
This show also offers a rodeo – which is a great chance for locals to catch up, have a burger and a beer, listen to some pumping country rock and watch young cowboys and cowgirls show off their riding skills.
Our jackaroo Cal competed in the bull ride – after a number of weekends travelling far and wide for events, it was nice to have an event close to home.
Fun for us to watch him too – he nabbed second place and managed to stay uninjured. (The strapping helps apparently).
My favourite shot from the weekend was this one….
As the crowd quietened and doffed hats for the Cowboys’ Prayer and the Australian National Anthem.
Two shows down, two to go in our region – I wonder what action is up this weekend?
Have YOU got a local show? What’s your favourite ‘show’ thing?
We start our show circuit this weekend! 9 in our circuit but luckily it’s shared a bit around the school team! Then it’s a couple of weeks off and Ekka
Ann Britton
Really enjoy all your blogs Amanda. Love the way you put yourself in them & bring your readers along for the ride. I really enjoyed visiting your show, thanks
Lynda M Otvos
Watching the kids grow up and get comfortable behind the mic and aboard the mounts is a wonderful part of my life, BB; thanks for sharing.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..If I had a Hammer….
I love the show! I’ve never grown out of it and the woodchopping is one of my favourites. That and the fireworks! Great photos by the way. How many Dingle’s were in those photos?
Fleur McDonald
That Violet is just GORGEOUS!!!
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..Turning the big four oh!