Outback Stations
Mail days (Wednesdays and Fridays) are often interesting when you live in the bush…
Of course, most of the envelopes contain bills (like every other household in Australia) but sometimes we get really interesting stuff. Mail orders, wine boxes (yes our wine comes via our mailman) and lovely surprises like this….
Station Photo’s is a wonderful Facebook page started by station cook and keen photographer Dan McIntosh (with awesome admins Kym & co) which showcases images contributed by those who have lived and worked in the Outback. It’s a wild and wonderful assortment of photos and yarns, and inspired ABC Books to create this gorgeous book…
Page admins ran a competition calling for images from contributors, to show what ‘a day in the life of the outback’ might feel like. I am not much for photo comps (I always think they are a very clever way to gain copyright for book publishers without handing over any financial compensation) but I was happy to contribute to this one.
I offered just one image (I must have been feeling stingy or else thought we could only contribute one photo) and it got published …
Page 198…
Of our kids and visiting city kids splashing joyously in the river on sundown.
It’s an image that brings back many marvellous memories for me (and I hope for the kids pictured too) which is now part of something beautiful and long-lasting.
I am glad I got over my ‘giving away free images’ grumps and sent it in. I feel part of a very special team effort.
The book is really well done – taking you all over Australia from sunup to sundown. Many of my online friends have had their images published too, complete with short descriptions of the event or moment captured.
Not only would it be at home on ANY coffee table, but it’s also helping raise funds for the RFDS – a vital service on which so many in the Outback rely when the chips are down.
Check out this awesome book here – ABC OUTBACK STATION BOOK.
You never know – might be a good time to start your Christmas shopping?
Fleur McDonald
Woo Hoo!!! Good job, BB.
Fleur McDonald´s last blog post ..The little things…
How about that!! Congratulations!
Kelly´s last blog post ..The Choiring of the Trees by Donald Harington
Jahangir Iqbal
Very nice.Thank you.
You’re popping up everywhere!!!
debby´s last blog post ..Ghost Stories
Colin Huggins
BB “Amanda” you are an inspiration and an amazing person. Take a bow.
I am so excited to have received my copy too. I was so happy to see all my great friends’ photos in the book. My girls are on page 101. We are all over the Moon! xxoo