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Hallo… eek!

I know, I know… it’s a week (at least) after Halloween… and traditionally Australians don’t tend to celebrated this particular holiday (which is generally touted as being American, but originated in Ireland).  But we have American friends (who like to send me stuff) and kiddos who LOVE the idea of dressing up and scaring the bee-jeepers out of the unwary.

I have to admit, I do wonder about the ‘trick or treating’ part – sending kids into strange houses to get lollies.  But I am guessing that (in America) either parents are usually with them, or they know the people in the houses?  Anyhoo – the only people who get tricked or treated out here are the Granite Glen household or our next door neighbours (and my fabulous aunt and uncle) at Boogal Cattle Co.

Let me tell you, they may not have grown up with Halloween, but Bron and Tex get RIGHT into the scary spirit and do a mean spoooooooooky voice over the two-way radio!

Anyhoo, we decked our house out in some of the awesome stickers that my sweet mate Debby sent to us…
halloween_4093Our front door…

halloween_4095How cool are the eyeballs staring out from the ‘ripped holes’…


There were a number of these – super-clever and matched our creamy walls perfectly!

A family portrait…

halloween_4106 e

Looking sweet there Mr Incredible! Or should I say Mr Zomberson…

halloween_4109 eAnother sticker… very realistic!

I admit my ambitions for creating some Halloween fare were a little in excess of my skills… you may need to employ your imaginations for the next couple of photos.

These are chocolate mudcake muffins cleverly disguised as little orange pumpkins… on dirts (crumbled cake) and guarded by bats.

halloween_3994 e

This is a very rick dark chocolate-and cherry mudcake ‘coffin’ – with oozing blood (coloured white ganache), white chocolate RIP with rats and a spider.

halloween_3991 e

Mmmmmmmm… actually tasted SO much better than it looked!

halloween_3992 e

I have to admit, I was so knackered after all this effort (the most I have made really since my last round of chemo) that I was pretty much zonked before the dinner party even got underway.  I certainly didn’t have the energy needed to get my kids into costume (they had made some, but worn themselves out swimming and only got half-dressed in theme) or take pics of them.

My cousin’s two little one’s did much better – with their clever Mama whipping up (from whatever she could lay her hands on) one very sweet little Tinkerbell…

halloween_3986 And the cutest dinosaur you ever did see!

halloween_3990Too darned cute!

So there you have it (or the parts I had the energy to document)… our HALLOWEEN!


PS I promise to try and be a bit more regular here soon –  just starting to get my head above the chemo cloud!



  • Gretchen in KS

    Adorable! And yes, I go out with the kids to trick or treat, though I generally don’t walk all the way up to the door. This year I even walked right along with them. (Usually hubby walks, and I follow with the car, because of the half-crippled feet, but now that I’ve lost 30 pounds, I can walk a bit better. Hubby also had an awful cough that night this year.) Our favorite neighborhoods to trick or treat in are neighborhoods hubby has done roofs in, or where the kids’ teachers live. Though I’ll admit, we don’t know everyone on the street. If the house has the porch light on, and especially if it’s decorated, they go ring the bell. If nobody answers, they go to the next place with a light. (That’s the accepted code, usually–if you want to opt out, (or if you’re out of candy) simply turn off your outside lights.) We’re just far enough into the “country” that we don’t get many visitors. Though we did get a few, this year–cousins from out of state!

  • Anne@Grit and Giggles

    I have to say I’m not into the whole halloween thing but this does look like a bit of fun. It seems there is more and more halloween stuff in the shops every year but I’ve seen nothing as cool as those stickers. I love your cooking ideas and I hope you recoup your energy soon.
    Anne@Grit and Giggles´s last blog post ..Green and Gold

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