The Inspections…
Follow-up photos as promised on the waterways inspection this morning… we managed to gather 100mm exactly in our gauge (4 inches in ‘old school’ measure) but our neighbours measured 52mm just 2 km away from our place – so falls continue to be quite patchy.
This is our river, viewed from the Big Bridge, which has fallen a few metres since it’s high two years ago… it is running quite strongly this morning (photos taken about 6.30am).
You can see the debris from previous floods in trees well above current levels – so really just a small inflow in the scheme of things. Can you spot the pelicans making the most of the conditions which no doubt bring confused fish to the surface!
Debris gathering on the bridge pylons, and the flood foam building up.
A view from a blue gum at the edge of the river – you can see where the water last night ran around it.
This is a gully closer to home – it has run high overnight and is ebbing. Can you spot the yellow drum impaled on a tree root?
This is a gutter running to the above gully – measures taken by council and repair crews for previous flood work doesn’t seem to have worked here*.
I worry that people who don’t know the road will stray to the side and end up in the sharp, deep gutter.
You can see it’s over 1.5m deep – not good if a big truck (or any vehicle really) ends up with a wheel just off the bitumen…
I wanted to show the ‘fresh’ coming down the river too… this is just to the north of our house.
Can you see the line of churning water mid-photo?
Oh look, we have a photo bomber…
Guess who? It’s iTunes!
You funny little girl… this almost-one-year-old filly is a bit of a people person. She has been out in a paddock a bit away from the house (for fodder purposes) over the last few months. So if you go near this boundary, she’s there! She likes a snuggle.
Hey gorgeous! Gotta love that amazing eye…
I think the inspectors have just become the ‘inspected’, don’t you?
* I don’t mean to criticise the council – they did a mountain of work after the last floods and the roads themselves have (in general) held up really well, and I am not even sure this gutter was on their agenda or that of the State Government’s flood team. But the groovy rockwork done has just not worked to stem the erosion – and I will be sending through these pics to council to show them.
Colin Huggins
Looks like the Council has a few road jobs to attend to – and PRONTO!
The vegetation as shown seems pretty green and lush, so with the follow-ups all should be pretty good for the start of summer.
Rain still hanging around down here – today certainly looks like we will get more.
Has the young filly had an training yet – like a bridle for leading?
Colin Huggins
Ooop – “any training” !!!
A cricket distraction is to blame – ha ha!
Gretchen in KS
Where I live, limestone is common and easy for the road department to use to stabilize washouts. Of course, each region must use what is economical, but when you have a spot like that, it needs BIG pieces of (rock, brick, or whatever) to hold it. Sand or smaller stuff just washes away. (Too bad nobody nearby is removing an unwanted cement sidewalk or something of the sort. Taken out in big pieces, that sort of thing works great.)
Thanks for the glimpse of I-Tunes, she’s a cutie!
How super to see water in your neck of the woods. Makes such an awesome difference. And your four footed inspector sure is a cutie.
Amber Rhodes
When it rains it pours! Great photos. Hope the council gets the ditches filled and fixed. Gorgeous filly, such an unusual and beautiful eye colour.
Amber Rhodes´s last blog post ..More Blogger Friends
Wonderful news! Wonderful Christmas present!
debby´s last blog post ..Tim
Anne@Grit and Giggles
Seeing the river running high must be the best sight you’ve had in a while. Don’t you love how council patch ups just don’t do the job most of the time. Can’t wait to see more wet pics from your place and I hope the greenery responds very nicely.
Anne@Grit and Giggles´s last blog post ..A Thursday in Photos
Good to see the rains arrived. She’s running a banker.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Oh my O-Bahn
Ahaha…love the iTunes photobomb!
Kelly´s last blog post ..A Dickens Christmas