Deja WHOA!
I did so WANT to bring you serene scenes after the nasty shock of our earthquake earlier this week (I still cannot quite believe I am typing that!).
More gentle reflections of ducks on sleeping bodies of water.
But Mother Nature is not done with us yet. She heard us pray for rain pretty much all last year – and so she’s hurling not ONE but TWO cyclones at us. Well, okay, only ONE at us here at Granite Glen. The other one is up in the gulf…
Creating what news.com.au has labelled a ‘Cyclone Sandwich’.
So instead of heading to Rocky tomorrow to collect Dash and bring him home for his first boarders’ long weekend…
With a gazillion phone calls and messages yesterday between various boarding parents and house masters, and with the cyclone looking to hit the coast tonight right at Yeppoon, we decided to get him home a bit sooner. Because if we are going to get stranded by floodwaters, with all due respect to Rockhampton, we wanted it to be here, at home. Together.
With Mr I away in Brisbane on a 2-day trip, and me in an old Toyota ute with dodgy windscreen wipers, I were lucky to snag a lift for Dash for the three hour trip home. I putted into town to get Violet from school and some last minute groceries.
Call me jumpy, but with two previous floods (2011 and 2013) under our belts out here, I made darned sure that we are stocked up on milk and loo paper. I bought 48 rolls. Should get us through the weekend.
This is what the sky looked like as we drove home. Eerie.
Beautiful but eerie…
And then, at 10.30pm in misting rain, I climbed into the ute again and putted out on a slow 30 minute round trip to rendezvous and pick up Dash. We both grinned all the way home in the dark – he, because he was gaining two additional days on his long weekend and had a fresh hot sausage roll in hand, me because my firstborn was about to be back under our roof. (He was devestated to ‘miss out’ on the earthquake on Monday. We get to ‘share’ a cyclone together – family bonding time! Heh.)
And while the coast will cop the worst of this cyclone, home is looking like it could be pretty darned damp too…
I suspect those totals will go up as this cyclone – whose name is Marcia – looms closer and grows stronger.
Marcia, Marcia, MARCIA!!!!
(Sorry, had to do it. And I didn’t even really watch the Brady Bunch much as a kid!)
This is the latest image from the Bureau of Meterology. That’s one angry, now Category 3 storm.
Rolling RIGHT over top of us.
Mr Incredible arrived home a couple of hours ago. I now have my little brood all under one roof.
I am beginning to relax and enjoy the sound of rain on our roof. As I type the wind and rain are starting to gather momentum.
The hatches are being battoned.
Board games are being prepared.
Wish me luck (my husband is a wizz at Rummy-O!).
Satelite internet providing, I’ll keep you posted.
Stay safe everyone!
Colin Huggins
Hmmmmm! I would think severe “runs” are well and truly covered!
Isn’t “Bayleaf” your milk supplier?
If it’s any consolation, it has been pouring on and off this afternoon here, but I doubt if any flooding is likely.
I think all our rain dances have been over rewarded. Some drying out would be nice now.
Anne@Grit and Giggles
I like this post, no panic, no hype, just happiness at the chance for rain and family time. They reckon it will landfall as a Cat 4 now. I am glad you have Dash home for peace of mind. I am still thinking it could change path, every forecast has it heading a little further north and as someone wrote somewhere, they never know what they’ll do until they’ve done it. Enjoy board games and rain and I hope you miss out on the wind.
Anne@Grit and Giggles´s last blog post ..Obsessed
BB of Oz
Yes, it’s even predicted to be heading further inland Ann… if only it would go DIRECTLY WEST where they are desperate for it.
It sounds like you’re prepared for all scenarios.
Enjoy having your family together and I look forward to the next update. (I’m a bit of a weather junkie….and a Brady Bunch fan)
Kelly´s last blog post ..Blue Monday by M. Thomas Long
Lynda M Otvos
Holding a good thought for all of you in the path of this weather unusualness.
Lynda M Otvos´s last blog post ..He’s Growing Bigger and Stronger and Funnier
I finally heard some reporting about your nasty weather Downunder on the radio. The USA news people seem so self-centered when it comes to what is going on in the world. Heard almost nothing about your earthquake except for your FB page. Seems if thousands don’t die it doesn’t make headlines. Glad you got your boy home and have plenty of loo paper. Hoping Marcia blows herself out before she arrives.
Stay safe Amanda. Here in northern NSW we are getting beautiful rain – about an inch so far and a blessed day off cattle work!
Heavy driving rain here in Monto and wind has been rising for the last 40minutes or so. We put up a new rain gauge today. Will be interesting. Hope everyone comes through OK – stay safe! Love Mxxxx
great pictures, it all looked very real. Good luck with the clean up, just as well Mr I is ” worth 3 men” , at least you will have plenty of grass ! maybe see you at Beef