You know, when we moved out here to the bush more than eight years ago, I would not have called my husband a ‘cat person’.
He was most definitely in the ‘dog person’ category, having owned a staffy (called Jess) and a Great Dane (the late great Cosmo). I loved dogs too so our choice of pet was always easy. Cats were just a bit cloying for my big, tough, Alpha-male hubby.
But he wasn’t counting on Middy.
We inherited Middy with the house we live in – she was my parents’ cat. A half-wild jet black kitten who rocked up on their door five years previous, her fierce yellow eyes daring my Mother to just TRY to quieten her. Mum spent months coaxing this little spitball – black as midnight and christened Middy – to trust her. She loved Mum and Dad and would put up with other adults for short periods of time, but couldn’t bear children and their enquiring fingers, and simply hated being picked up. Whenever we’d come to visit, back then, she’d vamoose to the paddocks and sheds as soon as the car rumbled over the grid and would reappear only once she was sure the coast was clear after we had left.
When we moved into this house, she really got the sulks and vanished for a couple of weeks.
Of course, we did bring a Great Dane with us too, which properly put her nose out of joint!
Over the years we have been here, I have to admit, I often feel like I am simply the person who feeds her. I love her, but she AIN’T cuddly. Even if she does try to sit on your lap (while I am at the computer and she is demanding food) she WILL NOT sheath those claws. It’s a highly nerve-wracking exercise, and I have the scars to prove it.
She has thawed enormously over the years though – she will rub against your legs and visit the kids’ beds to say goodnight. She still holds the dogs at bay despite being a fraction of their size, and doggedly* refuses Axel’s constant invitations to ‘play’.
(*Yes that was deliberate. Sorry.)
One of Middy’s relationships has developed more than any other since we’ve been here though. A bit of an unexpected one.
Can you guess?
My big, tough, dog-loving husband.
He and Middy have something special. And it’s NOT because he feeds her all the time, rest assured.
She always gives him the big rush, singling him out for her special brand of love.
If this cat purred (and we’ve no real evidence that she can), she’d be doing it right here.
My husband reckons it’s because she’s not REALLY like a cat. She’s a bit unique, she doesn’t NEED or LIKE everyone fawning over her, and she’s a bit prickly. She chooses her one or two people for affection, and the rest can just buggar off. Some might say, she is very much like Mr Incredible.
He’s even admitted that himself.
“Yeah. She’s just a lot like me.”
And while I understand (to a degree) this connection, this sight never fails to stop me in my tracks: this tiny black witch’s cat, claws at the ready and yet quite content, being petted by these big work-roughened hands.
A most unexpected, delightful sight.
QUESTION: Are you a cat or a dog person?
Nancy in Savannah
Ohhh, my! I love dogs, have had several, but in recent years I’ve mostly been a cat person. Emma the Beautiful Calico Queen most definitely has her quirks, but she will rub against almost any human. She has kissed some dogs, but does not like other cats. And I know what you mean by scars – just today got rid of the last scratch scabs.
Love it. Middy knows what and who she can trust. My hubby prefers dogs, but the cats both snuggle up to him. And he can always be counted on to rub their little noggins!
Gretchen in KS
I’ve had at least one cat in my life since I was about six, and I suspect I’d feel there was something missing without one. Hubby grew up with dogs–lots and lots of dogs at times. (His parents had a breeding kennel when he was very small.) I didn’t get my first dog ’till I was 16, and I love(d) all my dogs, but hubby’s definitely more of a dog person, and I suppose I’m more of a cat person. But both of us are mostly “pet” people, really.
Well I’ve always been a dog person (we currently have nine) and that’s all I really knew…until I had grandcats. I’ve got four of them now (two are black, like Middy), each with their own personality, and each with a special place in my heart. I can honestly say, while always a dog person, I love kitties, too.
Thanks for sharing Middy here with us. She’s beautiful.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Baking is a science
Amber Rhodes
Great story! Cats are so funny like this. I had in laws who couldn’t pick their cat but I would just grab her and throw her up over my shoulder and it was kinda like she was so surprised she just let me do it!
Amber Rhodes´s last blog post ..OOTD School’s Out
Helen Beutel
I’m most definitely a dog person, as is my husband. Delightful story.
Growing up we had dogs.. got married and have had three siamese cats, now we are back to dogs. I have decided, after the two dogs are gone, we will be going back to cats.. if we ever get another pet. Why? Because we can come and go as we please 🙂
Colin Huggins
Cats certainly have a mind of their own!
Thank God they can’t vote – imagine a Senate
full of Independent “Cats” instead of a diminishing foursome of PUPS???
Shock and horror – plus nightmares – ha ha!
My Paddy Paws gets fed by me. She can rely on me to give her fresh water each time I go into the kitchen. So why is it that every time she has a chance to choose a lap, she chooses Tim’s? Just one of those enduring feline mysteries…cats is funny people.
debby´s last blog post ..Update on Tim
love your work about pets keep it up ….nice blog Gracias!
Black Cat Breeds