The air is crisp, clean and crackling here as we dive from our mostly-warm Autumn into our version of Winter…
Our glorious Liquid Amber (the only leaf-dropping tree we have) is changing daily, hourly, by the second…
It’s quite magic… so mesmerising in its annual celebration of the change of season…
For some reason it seems to mean more to me this year.
Perhaps it’s my health scares that have sharpened my appreciation?
Perhaps it’s just me getting older, looking at it from a different viewpoint?
Maybe it’s celebrating changes rather than fighting them?
I know that’s something I have definitely HAD to improve at lately…
But really I don’t think it matters why these leaves give me joy.
I just love that they do.
This photo almost makes my heart stop, it’s so beautiful… that colour, those lines, that light…
The ‘veins’ of each leaf, made almost translucent by dancing streams of sunlight.
With each dancing stream turned into a prism of ‘bokehed‘ light in my camera.
Found this wonderful verse which captures the movement I cannot in a still image:
The leaves had a wonderful frolic.
They danced to the wind’s loud song.
They whirled, and they floated, and scampered.
They circled and flew along.
How is your ‘change of season’ going?
Are you enjoying it?
(Your images and links welcomed in comments.)
At the moment I am visiting family in SE QLD and feel like I have jumped out of summer and into winter. Some of the deciduous trees down here are holding onto their leaves but it won’t be long until they are gone. I have to say that since being further north and then a lot further north I do appreciate and wonder at the change in seasons more. I can tell you that up in the tropics, the change is minimal and often the trees are confused. The colours of those leaves are beautiful, some Autumn magic. Keep enjoying the changes and appreciating what is around you because your view of it is amazing.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Snap Frozen
Did I already mention that I am so surprised that a liquidamber flourishes as it does in colder climates. Not sure why, but some liquidambers only go yellow and brown but some, such as yours, have brilliant colouring.
I would venture to say it’s an “all of the above” scenario powering your profound joy.
I had my own minor health scare several months back (though nothing on the magnitude of yours) and I’m eons older than you, but I have also found myself taking great delight in things that I use to take for granted. In general, the beauty of God’s creation…in particular, birds. I sometimes find myself riveted to the window when I see an especially gorgeous specimen on one of my feeders. I also find myself watching the birds when I should be watching my “cork” while fishing. The variety in our yard and at our pond is astonishing! I just wish I could use a camera like you and could share with others what I’m blessed to see!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Crystal Nights by Dorte Hummelshøj Jakobsen
Our seasons are opposite, of course, but I have been just taken with the green, with watching our hills go from dreary gray to green. I love the flowers. I love being outside. There is something about the change of seasons that makes me grateful inside.