The gauge of rainfall
My husband is incredible – he’s a funny mix of alpha male and sensitive bloke, he’s tough and tender, he’s not house-proud but can pack a mean dishwasher and has taken great care of me over the past 18 months of very ordinary health. He’s also practical and superstitious all at the same time.
Point in case: our rain gauge.
Our original gauge lived on the pool fence. During winter as the dry hit us hard, we let the horses into the pool yard to enjoy the remaining green grass and clover. Our lawn-mowers enjoyed the privilege but also got curious and knocked our plastic rain gauge down and broke it.
I bought a new one, and for months it has sat on a table downstairs, ready to be put up. I have gently nagged but so many other jobs took precedence…
My husband was busy being Superman (or Mr Incredible) – running a cattle property, looking after a wife who’d managed to injure both legs, running Violet to and from the school bus, doing the grocery shopping, cooking etc etc.
While there was no rain it didn’t matter that he’d had no time to do the ‘gauge setting up’ task. El Nino, according to all reports, had a stranglehold on the country. Not much need for rain gauges anticipated.
Then a couple of weeks ago, the weather began to turn.
Storms began to build and move through parts of inland Queensland – like most, we consciously tempered any excitement over possible falls. Disappointment can be a bit of a bitch. And superstition begins to seep into those quietly watching the clouds gather over, and then avoid, dry paddocks and empty dams…
‘Don’t talk about it… you’ll scare it away!
‘I’ll believe it when it hits the ground…’
And as small falls of rain (1mm, 4mm, 8mm) arrived – measured faithfully by our neighbours – Mr I still held off on mounting the gauge. I don’t even think it was deliberate, but I soon realised that (as our pastures sloooooowly began to gain a little greenness) he was very happy leaving that gauge right where it was.
‘Seems to be raining all right without it…’
I could hardly argue – he was right. I doubt the clouds were checking the state of our gauged-ness before deciding where to drop their load, but I am notoriously pragmatic. Annoyingly so, I believe. I like to measure stuff. Temperatures, rain, heights. (Not weight though, at least not mine!)
We even had a DECENT fall a week ago. We think. That’s what the neighbours said anyway.
This week it got the better of me. Some big falls were forecast (10-20 and more on a couple of days) and I threatened to wire it to the fence myself. I was upright and moving, and keen to know our OWN rainfall. It’s a bushie thing – comparing rainfalls is one of the great conversation starters out here. Rainfall charts are treasured historical documents.
It went up on Sunday – the same day a predicted 20-40mm of rain failed to arrive.
I could here the silent ‘I Told you so!’ as the clouds skirted around us.
And then, last night, as the big forecasts petered out…
One inch (25mm) of incredible rain fell… INTO THE NEW RAIN GAUGE!
So I am feeling very, very lucky, very relieved and very much enjoying the new view…
Oh so new; they go opaque with age. Ours even broke but hubby made a container from some type of plastic casing; the top was good and so was the measure. Enjoy the view with hopes of more rain in a week or two; after the predicted heat.
Leonie @ Cuppa & Cake
I can remember my dad yelling out to my mum the measurement each morning as he was walking back from the dairy. Its such a part of farming that I forgot. I think I need one here, might be a good christmas present.
Leonie @ Cuppa & Cake´s last blog post ..She was all but DEAD
Gretchen in KS
I can empathize. Our rain gauge lived a very hard life for several years, until hubby finally broke it for good over a year ago. Now I “measure” rainfall by looking in the dog bowls and mud puddles. Much less satisfying. I have recurring visions of a new rainfall measuring device. Someday, someday.
I’m glad your new gauge got some rain so it no longer feels like a jinx! 🙂
After several months of pretty much nothing (and our pond as low as I’ve ever seen it – our cows could easily have escaped across dry land if they’d only figured it out!), we’re getting our share now. In fact, it’s “severe weather hot” out there right now and I’m keeping a close eye on things!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Random observations
Superstitions and the weather are funny things, that and the old wives tales too. I’m glad you’ve been getting the wet stuff.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..A Quiet Sunset
Ah. I am so glad that you got rain after the rain gauge was set out.