Sparkles and Spunk
For the vast majority of the school holidays, our daughter has been staying at another property.
And while we have missed her effervescent presence, we haven’t really minded at all. Because she has been following her passion…
Can you POSSIBLY guess what that might be?
If you said ‘anything horse-related’ you’d be getting warm.
If you said ‘something to do with BJ Horsemanship you’d be SPOT ON!
And if you imagined lots of THIS kind of activity, you would be on the money!
Violet and Breanna were also joined by another young girl – a former classmate of Violet’s who is now away at boarding school – she filled in her holidays nicely with a whole lot of horse stuff! From dawn til dusk, they learned, practiced, fell off, climbed on and learned some more.
And the, yesterday, it all came together for Breanna and her troupe… an 18-year-old, leading an 11 and 12-year-old into a public performance. If it had been ANY other 18-year-old, I’d have been worried…
Especially after Violet had an unexpected ‘slide off’ Leroy, one of Breanna’s quietest horses (right before the show) who also proceeded to accidentally stand on her leg! There were a few tears, but within minutes Violet had pulled herself together and decided the show MUST go on!
It was a fairly full day of celebration as the inaugural Eidsvold Charity Cattle Drive was completed, and all kinds of entertainment was provided …
…from team penning to dog handling and crazy comedy with the Crack-Up Sisters.
For us, the main (nailbiting) event of the day were TWO performances by our girls…
Firstly there was the reinactment of ‘Waltzing Matilda‘… that is one sneaky looking swaggy there!
And one sheepish looking dog… (pun intended, sorry!).
The squatter was mounted on, not one, but two ‘thoroughbreds‘!
I don’t know about you, but my knees ache just watching…
My little squatter sprang into the ‘billabong’ (which will also serve usefully as a duck pond in the near future!)…
And her ‘ghost’ maybe heard…
Breanna then showed her liberty skills with her matching chestnuts…
A spot of backwards riding around a course… as you do!
The younger girls added some humour to the show with Leroy ‘assisting’ as a mounting block!
And then showing his balancing skills on a drum! Ta-DA!!
My girl seems to love an audience!
Breanna thanking the crowd…
And taking a bow with ‘Scooter’.
Finishing with a spot of smile-inducin’ boot scootin’!
They also returned later in the afternoon for some fabulous trick riding.
Violet had pretty much forgotten her sore leg as the crowd responded to the glitter and showgirl-ship!
Check out the grin…
This next one had my heart in my mouth…
Emily did the same with this move!
And Breanna then wowed everyone with her incredible skills…
This horse is mooooooving!!!
She makes this look easy (and watching practice behind the scenes, I KNOW it is NOT!)..
It’s called the ‘suicide drag’… I wonder why?
(Her mother was beside me as I took these pics – her heart must be in her mouth when she performs this one).
And then the final ride-bys…
Absolutely the coolest thing any horse-mad girl could ever dream of…
And all that hard work, practice, bumps, bruises, falls and frustration… WORTH IT.
The crowd seemed to love it, especially the shortest members!
And as for three young horsewomen…
The smiles said it all. And their parents couldn’t have been prouder!
PS A snap of our girl’s leg this morning – going to be a cracker of a bruise for show-and-tell at school tomorrow!
Still smiling though!
As usual Amanda, great read and awesome photos. The girls and horses are fantastic. And violet your leg is pretty amazing as well. xxxxx
BB of Oz
Thanks Florence – Violet’s leg is very violet! LOL Healing well and keen to get back in the saddle though. 🙂
I’ve never seen that sort of action on a horse before. You must be terribly proud of you children. Also congratulations on your deserved award.
Andrew´s last blog post ..A Glittering Sunday Selections
BB of Oz
We are very proud of them both Andrew – thankyou and thankyou. 🙂 BB
I am very, very impressed! Tell Violet everyone needs one good bruise in their life with a great story behind it. 😉 I’m proud she soldiered on after the injury.
No apologies necessary after a good pun.
Kelly´s last blog post ..Favorite Five – Guitarists
BB of Oz
LOL – thanks shall pass that on!
Helen Dobbin
Your photographs have captured the talent of these awesome girls beautifully. How proud you must be once your heart settles back into your chest.
Helen Dobbin´s last blog post ..Return to the Aussie Bush
BB of Oz
Indeed Helen… couldn’t be prouder of ALL of them. 🙂
Lindy Kehl
The “big” girl in these incredible photos happens to be my niece. She is an amazing horsewoman an incredible & person (and I’m not biased at all). What an amazing job to have done with these girls in such a short time! So proud to call her my niece! Just wish I could add a photo of a bruise I sustained from a horse fall I had a couple of years ago!! That one is pretty impressive though I must admit!!
BB of Oz
That ‘big girl’ (and we should note she is pretty petite!) is a little legend. Gonna be a star!!
Thanks Amanda. Breanna very much appreciates the photos and story.
BB of Oz
And we appreciate your enormous hospitality and patience looking after our girl too Janette. xx
Narelle Jensen
Great work by the girls and great work by the photographer. How lovely to see the girls all working together with their horses to create such a wonderful show. Lots of hard work and a mother (my sister) behind the scenes to get this show on the road! Keep up the entertainment girls! And enjoy!
BB of Oz
You should be proud of your sister and niece… glad you enjoyed the pic!
That was some impressive riding for all three. You did well holding the camera still enough to get some very good pictures. A good mama let’s her child follow her dreams and watch her grow in them.
Wow! So cool and their smiles do say it all (even if they possible added to grey hairs). What a bruise. I’m sure she’ll enjoy sharing the tale.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..New views from mountain ranges