All posts,  Horses,  The Bush

Horse heaven…

It’s no secret that a number of the members of this household adore horses …

I was horse-mad as a youngster and still adore them to this day. You will find an inordinate number of posts on this blog featuring them.  Their form, their wildy varied natures, their smell, their companionship, their incredible abilities as workmates and playmates.  They make me happy.

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Violet is notoriously equine-obsessed… her bedroom is covered in horse-related decor and she is never happier than when she is in VERY close proximity to them.

iTunes obliges in offering this contact for her regularly, now she is running in the house paddock once more…

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Dash is quieter in his love of our steeds, but he has a way with them and is actually the most regular visitor with our spanking new foal… handling her out in the paddock at least twice a day! The Foal Whisperer

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And while Mr Incredible (like me) spent a couple of decades away from hands-on horse-work, he is drawn to them in more than a working capacity too.  He has a special connection with this statuesque chestnut gelding – Trooper.  They work so well together and adore each other.  He’s tall and strong and sleek and handsome (the horse is alright too).

Trooper and I have a somewhat mixed relationship – I admire his athleticism, his agility, his gorgeous brown eyes (perfect for reflection photos!) and his intelligence (right up until he works out how to unlatch the latest device keeping him out of the house yard – this horse is too damned smart for his own good!).

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He’s also very, very tall.  Almost 17 hands or about 1.3 Violets high.

Speaking of Violet (again)…

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The girl is forever pushing boundaries around here.  She has just turned 11 (going on 33) and is inspired by the liberty style of horsemanship – and seeing local rider Breanna of BJ Horsemanship and amazing Aussie horseman Guy McLean has spurred her on. (Pun intended)

Sandy and Chi Chi are her main subjects for some ‘liberty work’ – Chi Chi gets a lot of attention in the yards, but Sandy is a bit more trustworthy out in the paddock so he features in the following images.  Bareback and with halter only for steering gear (above)…

violet_1948 f

With whip looped around neck only … and yes, I am slightly nervous watching this activity in a wide open paddock with other horses running free.

violet_1958 F

I did put voice to this concern only to have a violent Violet eye-roll in reply (nothing like a pre-teen, horse-mad, Taylor Swift-loving daughter).  Life is never boring, put it that way!

And what would you do, if you happened to be on holiday at the coast (with fishing mad son currently taking up residence on the Urangan pier) with the above family, for entertainment?

Well, GUESS who happens to be doing a show at his home venue this very weekend? Hint: he happens to be among the contestants featuring in Australia’s Got Talent this year too!



  • Merry-Anne

    I love watching Guy McLean; Violet looks well in tune to be like this. This pre teen has so much to keep her focused. What beautiful horses and family you have to enjoy.

  • Maev

    Ah…memories…my daughter at that age…on her chestnut filly quarter horse cross…she could do anything with Angel…..
    We called it The Farm…but was a house in the middle of suburbia….with yards and stables on their large block…and leased land now covered in housing estates…..
    We love reading about your horses and your children…they really are both excellent horse whisperers….they have such a good rapport with horses….Young people to be proud of….:)

  • Kelly

    I’m afraid my fascination with horses got squelched at a very early age. The closest I came to rekindling it was the few years we had donkeys in our pasture. Talk about personalities!

    Loved seeing/reading this. What a wonderful passion for Violet to have. Now if Dash would move his fishing to fresh water I’d join in. I love to Bass fish!
    Kelly´s last blog post ..Creole Black-eyed Peas

  • Anne@GritandGiggles

    Gorgeous! I appreciate horses, especially after my station time but I am nowhere near horse mad (gasp). Growing up my sister was the horse mad one and amazingly she got herself a horse mad, show jumping hubby and now her almost 3yr old daughter is adding another horse lover to the family. Kids honestly have no fear.
    Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Holy … Ship

  • Fiona

    Happy New Year to you all! Enjoy a well earned break Amanda and undoubtedly Violet will come home even more inspired. I’ve an eleven year old here who I think would get on with your Violet like a house on fire!

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