Heart-stopping horses
I share a lot of horse photos on this blog… the vast majority of which are happy, frolicky images where the creatures concerned are VERTICAL.
Like this….
And this…
Horses don’t often lie down… and having had some very bad experiences with colic here over the past few years (with our darling Pickles and Holly) we tend to get a little jumpy when we spot a horse lying down or very still…
So when I saw this scene in our horse paddock (in front of our cottage) last week, my heart missed a beat.
That’s Winchester (left) and Chimmy (right)…
Chimmy…. Chimmy?
Winny, Winny?
Sandy stands nearby looking at his mates… then at me, then back at his mates.
Was this like an episode of ‘Skippy’?
Was Sandy trying to tell me something?
My mind started going into overdrive.
How far away from the house was Mr Incredible?
Was there some kind of poisoning going on – some feed that was ‘off’?
Was the vet in mobile service range?
My heart started racing as the stillness of these two horses went on, and on…
Adrenaline pumping, I called out at them both again as I jangled the chain and thrust open the gate.
“Winny! Chimmy!”
Nek minit…
Two indignant animals roused from their morning slumber.
My heart gradually resumed it’s normal rate. The horses all walked off, two of them yawning and probably looking for a more private spot to have a kip.
Me? I just made a meme and this blog, to prove the experience (and adrenaline rush) weren’t completely wasted.
Bloody horses.
Helen Dobbin
What a relief for you!
Such beautiful animals.
I was panicked by the way one of the cattle, at the Ekka in the beef pavilion, was lying. My friend and I got up close to see that it was still breathing! I only used to live on a farm.
Helen Dobbin´s last blog post ..Mt Bartle Frere – Big Rock Camp Section
BB of Oz
It was SUCH a relief… almost needed a good lie down afterwards to recover. 😉
Oh dear … keeping you on your toes.
Anne@GritandGiggles´s last blog post ..Heading Bush
Heart stopping is right!! Whew! Glad all is well.
BB of Oz
LOL. No doubt they do it all the time, they just picked a spot and time where I saw them … it was windy too, which often seems to encourage a lie-down!!
Barb B.
Same with poddies sometimes here. You can breathe again when you see an ear twitch or they take a breath and their side starts going up and down.
BB of Oz
Oh yes… I need to get better with steeling myself for bad news!!