2018 Calendar
It’s official. The 2018 BB of Oz calendar is happening…
Lots of you have been asking me for it. I finally ‘Cowgirl’ed Up’ and got my decision-making hat on.
Hoping you love the chosen shots, as much as I love capturing them for you!
This cover image was actually a phone photo, using a special lense my hubs bought me for Christmas! Funky… dusty as hell, and a whole lot gritty, but funky from my chair at the computer.
Below are a small selection of shots destined for the printer for the next exciting edition.
The most time-consuming part is always choosing the images… and THEN finding exactly the right quote!
Some are thoughtful…
Some are definitions! (Pluviophile: one who loves rain, a rain-lover)
Some are pretty ‘earthy’ – this pic looks a little like an Aboriginal painting (ant nest and snake skeleton), which didn’t even occur to me when I took the photo! Dots of gravel and bone. Quote: ‘Mother Nature is the great equalizer. You can’t get away from it.’
This is another phone photo which was pretty popular when posted on my Facebook page – it’s actually sun through smoke-haze behind a windmill. Stark and colourful. Strong. Very ‘Australian bush’. (A lovely Maya Angelou quote: ‘Let nothing dim the light that comes from within.’)
And for something a little different this year, I am including some of my favourite monotone pics…
My cousin Dan and our jillaroo Tesh, behind a mob of weaners. They were ‘chewing the fat’ (enjoying a yarn) as they neared their destination. I let Mark Twain own this one (‘Find a job you enjoy doing and you will never have to work a day in your life.‘).
And one of my favourite shots from bull sale season – some of our 800kg bovines ‘skipping’…
I crack myself up every time I look at this photo-quote combination:
‘If you dance with your heart, your body will follow.’
Am finalizing the images as you read this (as well as preparing for another bull sale!). You can order over here if you can think of someone (maybe even you?) who’d like one for Christmas!

2018 Calendar
The 2018 BB of Oz Bush Calendar is HERE ready for pre-order!The calendar will include:
- heavy-weight high quality stock (will NOT curl)
- metal binding (will sit flat on wall)
- large clear date pages to write on
Slideshow of all monthly images:
*** Perfect for CHRISTMAS **
Calendars are $25 each, with a discount for 10 or more per order.
Simply EMAIL me on bushbabeaustralia@gmail.com with the following information:
No of CARDS:
Alternate ADDRESS (If you’d like me to post direct to recipient):
I will email you back with an invoice – Direct Debit (in Australia only) and PayPal available. Items will be sent after calendars are printed and payment is received).
(DL size, without watermark, blank inside for your message)
Looking great; I’m in thanks before I forget.
BB of Oz
No worries Merry-Anne 🙂
Off to place my order now! I would have asked sooner, but didn’t want to nag. 😉
(and I quickly scrolled through without looking, since I like to be surprised each month with the image! …not that I’d remember by the time that month arrived)
Kelly´s last blog post ..One-sentence Movie Reviews #31
BB of Oz
Thanks Kelly! I think you have had one every single year… a collection!
Helen Dobbin
So impressed! Can’t wait. I’ve sent my e-mail.
Helen Dobbin´s last blog post ..The Dolomites, Italy – day 2.