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A Rocky session


Our latest equine addition, a little colt christened ‘Rocky’ by our kids , was born on December 21.

He’s been a source of enormous delight to us, his proud (and protective) Mama Yvette (whose previous foals were ‘Pistol Annie’ and ‘Vedette’).
ALL of Yvette’s offspring have been chestnuts with a strong blaze – talk about a dominant gene!

Pistol Annie
Vedette as a foal
Rocky and Yvette

We were all absolutely heartbroken when we lost Annie during a terrible heatwave at just a few weeks of age, while Vedette has grown into a very quiet, cheeky two-year-old who will head off to be broken in very soon by an amazing local trainer.

Rocky is Yvette’s first colt – quite a different baby to her fillies (he gets bored very easily and harasses his patient Mama a fair bit). He is also super cute! I decided the washing and folding could WAIT this morning – and this series of snaps I took yesterday of my big handsome hubby and our cheeky young colt needed to be shared.

There is just something about a strapping great bloke being super gentle with a baby, don’t you think?

(Captions from the Rocky’s perspective)

Yeah… quite the card!

Rocky is quite tall for his age – so hubby is hoping he grows big enough to carry his 6’2″ frame in three or four years. It’s sweet to see a good relationship underway already…



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