Dash down memory lane…
So much to say, so many months worth of updates to share…
Firstly, and most shockingly, Dash is about to graduate from school.
I know. I KNOW. *inhales deeply* It catches me right in the ribs every time I think about that… I am pretty sure it was just last week when I started this blog – and he looked a little like THIS…

It’s impossible for this sweet little tacker to be ready for the big, wide world, right? Apparently not. At least not according to Dash!
Ready for some BEFORE & AFTER photos? I mean it… these will blow your minds and probably make you feel really, REALLY old. (It did for me!)
Age FIVE … starting Prep.

At TWELVE starting High School (Year 8)

And now SEVENTEEN… finishing SCHOOL!

HELP! What happened? It went by in the blink of an EYE… he’s taller than me now and very much a young man. Busting to get out into the world, and work & have fun…




*See what I did there?
He attended his school Formal (in May) and looked utterly handsome (and a little bit heartbreaking) in his navy suit.



(and don’t even get me started on how much SHE has grown up!)
Dash actually didn’t want to go to his Formal at all – he’s not much for dressing up and parading, our lad, despite having grown up in front of a camera!
Regardless, he actually backed up, and attended the nearby all-girls’ school formal with a friend …

He already has his boat and car driver’s licences…

…and his first car (a ute, of course!)

And there is LESS THAN A WEEK now, before he graduates…
So many adventures ahead of him, so many opportunities for his Mama to worry a little and rejoice a lot (we hope!). ‘Schoolies Week’ – where vast numbers of school leavers gather to celebrate their graduation for an entire week – is the first adventure off the rank! Aaahhhhhhh….
I am trying VERY hard to loosen those apron strings (and I don’t EVEN WEAR an apron). But it’s tough, you know.
Especially when you keep finding photos like THIS in the archives…

If you could send wine (and a case of tissues) to get me through… and maybe some scissors… these apron strings seem to be irrevocably knotted.
(If you’d like a further walk down memory lane try this and this and this…)
Helen Gardner
I have enjoyed watching them both grow up. I imagine the joys you’ve had watching and living through each and every step of that journey. Now the new chapter is on, mom. Hugs and prayers for figuring out how to handle this next chapter. Thanks for the looks, both backwards and forward. There’s so much more to come.
BB of Oz
Thanks Helen… there is never a dull moment with our boy, that’s for sure!
Interesting to be a sideline viewer watching your family grow. Hope the right choices will be made for the future x
BB of Oz
Gosh, so do we! I really didn’t know what I should do at this age, so am confident he will work it out. Will definitely involve ag!
You are undoubtedly proud of the young man and family you have
Amanda. Some things to be envied, and loved most sincerely.
BB of Oz
What a lovely thing to say Bronwyn – thankyou xx
I’ve enjoyed watching them grow over the years and develop skills but I had no idea they are now as old. They both have great looks and will no doubt be very successful in their lives, whatever paths they choose. While the’ve had a privileged upbringing, that doesn’t necessarily mean they will be successful in life, but I think that fact, combined with good parents will. Let them make some mistakes while you step back and take some pride.
Andrew´s last blog post ..Cold Snap
BB of Oz
We have loved having you along for the ride Andrew… they have learned the value of hard work along the way. And the value of mistakes too!
BB of Oz´s last blog post ..Dash down memory lane…
Debby Hornburg
When the first one grew up and headed out in the world, I thought I would never get over the shock of it. But there is something wonderful in watching them take on the world… and eventually, you might find yourself with grandbabies. Congratulations Dash.
BB of Oz
Whoa!!!! One thing at a blimmin’ time Debby… adjusting to this first hurdle might take a few months… 🙂
Having followed your blog for so many years, it makes this post all the more special. What a treat to scroll through these wonderful photos of past and present. I know it can be a bittersweet time, but I truly loved moving into each new “season” with my children.
Best wishes to Dash and ALL your family. May your future be bright!! 💙
Kelly´s last blog post ..Books for October 2019
BB of Oz
Nawww… thanks – I do love that turn of phrase: each new season. You feel like those school years go on forever, then suddenly… WHAM! An adult is standing before you. 🙂
BB of Oz´s last blog post ..Dash down memory lane…
My first one left for the military at 17 and is just now planning to retire and come back to our area and live, 51 and retiring, he plans to fine a job. He said I am to young to retire and sit around and do nothing. I am an able bodied man and I should work.