Autumnal moments in the fog
I bring you colour in today’s long-overdue offering here on this coweb-covered blog.

I adore foggy mornings… a brand-new day wrapped in softness and mystery. Especially gorgeous when our Liquid Amber (sometimes known as Sweet Gum) tree is in full ‘fall’ mode…

We don’t tend to have seasons here in Central Queensland (like more southern areas enjoy), diving from the heat into frosts with very little transition… we have already had a few freezing mornings.

So this little bit of autumnal colour is always enjoyed, in the view from our deck.

If you look hard, you can see the river in the background here. Despite the dry outlook (except for where my sprinkler has been putting in some long hours) a good couple of rainfall months earlier in the year has seen river levels nice and high.

I know in the city, someone would be frantically blowing these leaves into submission to clear the walkways…. here we just let them go with the wind and decompose.

Our ‘relatively’ new entry to our houseyard – a vain attempt to slow people down as they arrive at the house (and cover it in dust).
How is your corner of the world looking this June 5, 2023? Dusty, cobwebby, cool or steamy?
Linda Price
Well hello! It’s always unexpected to remember that the seasons are different down under. Here in South Carolina we are just starting to heat up into summer. I love Sweet Gum tree colors. The spiney seed pods not so much.
You think your blog has cobwebs? Don’t even go look for mine (eyeroll).
Hello yourself!
I love a little bit of crisp to the morning!
I bet its not just visitors who need to slow down for the grid.
jeanie´s last blog post ..Bounce
Debby Hornburg
Oh my goodness! Two posts! I missed them. I missed you! Welcome back!
Debby Hornburg´s last blog post ..Saturday