All posts,  Photo Stuff

Late for important dates!

To misquote that immortal line from ‘Muriel’s Wedding’ I have been ‘TERRIBLE Muriel!’

I am so late in getting organised for the 2016 BB calendar – in fact I ALMOST didn’t do it this year! I felt a bit run-down and overwhelmed by everything (you know: medical stuff, conferences, getting involved in causes, breaking legs, etc).

But then some readers started asking when they could order it, and I looked through the archives from the last 12 months and I thought… MAYBE I can pull something together?

And so I did.  And instead of making you guys choose the images (like I normally do) I just got my photography mates Lou and Kaz to help me.  They tore their hair out and cursed me, and were very helpful.  I love making other people do my dirty work!

Wanna see the results?

Roughly in order… with an additional pic. *sigh*

2016 calendar page front 2 e

The COVER pic…

2016 MORNING e

JANUARY… a bit of dawn magic.

2016 wire e

FEBRUARY … rust and weeds for the romantic Valentine win!

2016 galah e

MARCH … feathered freedom and a Frank lyric.  (Earworm there, sorry ’bout that!)

2016 DIAMOND e

APRIL … Dash’s dog Diamond cooling off as the Aussie weather does the same!


MAY … A solitary ‘Happy Jack’ perched on our wonky fence in the morning mist.

2016 bull e

JUNE … Mr Incredible’s birth month and HIS favourite pic. Kosciusko the bull chilling out.


JULY … possibly my favourite image, shot through a truck windscreen during a hailstorm. Feels surreal.

2016 08 aug DRAFT e

AUGUST … amazing horsewoman Shari Knudsen looking right at home campdrafting at Paradise Lagoons.

2016 wattle e

SEPTEMBER… there is no plant more Aussie than wattle, and their blooms and hues are so unique.

2016 MILL e

OCTOBER… My favourite windmill with some god-given drama going in background.  Adore this quote!

2016 calves e

NOVEMBER … Calf kisses as we head into Summer.  I just want to snuggle these two to bits!

2016 boot e

DECEMBER… Violet’s boot, with one of HER favourite quotes in her birth month. (Yes she’s a quote collector too!)

2016 sunset e

THE SPARE… oh dear!

I adore this sunset… but should I swap a pic out (bear in mind I am trying to show a variety of images) or leave this one?  Help!



  • Hippomanic Jen

    I’d suggest you could keep it for next year, but then again, you always have tough choices even with only 1 year’s worth of images, so I can’t suggest making 2016 even tougher!

  • Merry-Anne

    Make a double page in the middle; a liftout, doesn’t have to have a month. Great work, I’ll be ordering again this year.

  • Jenny Gordon

    Either way you need to put one of your sunset photos as the last one. If you read your meme under each they both pertain to the end eg end of the year. I wouldn’t get rid of either mainly as to me the windmill is the focus of the first one and you even say that it is your windmill. Whereas the last sunset is just that a sunset. Overall a brilliant array of photos. Well done you and your team.

    • BB of Oz

      Thanks Jenny… I usually have Violet’s and Dash’s birthday months with a photo relevant to them (December and April). But will take that suggestion on board! 🙂

  • Sally

    “They are all wonderful but the ones that are (forgive me) just flowers such as Feb or Sept could be swapped for the sunset. I love that one and even though I have been in Australia 17 years, those trees are still exotic to me and I always expect to see a giraffe looking through the foliage. Just MHO. Or save till next year, but you know by then you will have hundreds more beauties to choose from!

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