A week to remember (2)
Our adventures of the Festive but Flooded kind continues...
A week to remember (1)…
An amazing Christmas week - from the beginning...
Warm and fuzzy and hopeful
Messin' with my camera when I really should be packing... a small selection of my version of warm-and-fuzzy. With some 'how to's' thrown in.
The ebb and flow of where we spend Christmas...
Saving Santa
Where Mr Incredible gets all heroic and saves Christmas!
Enter this one at your own risk... and bring the Mortein!
Waking up to water…
A new view (or two) as Mother Nature flexes some mighty (muddy) muscles...
Bruiser in print
Another little article which explores the intriguing life of my father...
Wordless weekend – mossy fencepost
A look at some of the endless green of my days. A sight I am not sure I could EVER get sick of...
A moment in the madness
Looking for a light at the end of the mustering tunnel... and some patience from my readers!