Cherokee update & the Nikon Nerd
He's hard and tough and wiry (just the sort that won't say 'die')... and I am HOPELESS at fog photos. Surgery updates and Nikon Nerd advice sought.
I’ll give you balmy
Mother Nature is messing with me again. Frosts, rain, warm, freezing, windy... I need some vicarious weather here peoples. Puh-lease!!!
A hack, leaves and some stats
Winter and Bush Babe... not always a happy combination. Luckily the odd deciduous tree, early moon and statistic are on hand to keep her happy. Come on in and share your report!
Weekend weather – wet and wild!
Where Bush Babe washes a car (headline news)... and causes rain throughout Central Queensland. PLUS: gratuitous reptile photos.
The Warmth of Goodwill
With its emphasis on good sportsmanship and goodwill, the warmth of the camaraderie of our little schools' sports day tends to make up for the physical chill in the air. That and the hot pies and sausage rolls!
The clouds have lifted... and so has the warm winter weather. A little chill warmed with some fabulous old blue gums. And calling for your weather reports!
WWW – the dust and bellow report
It's cold, it's dusty, it's loud... and you do NOT want to know what's going on with my thighs and what I found up my nose.
The Pink Lady
I cannot speak at the moment - I am a bit choked up actually. All because of a teenager called Jessica.
World Weather (and weeds)
I admit I am a bit of a cold frog, so the winter woollies have been unearthed already! Some properties around here have even registered the first frosts of the year...
Glorious gloom and signposts
This morning's trip was like driving through cotton wool - a fabulous wet, heavy fog. Isn't it amazing how I always seem to find time to do things like THAT, but the beds don't always seem to get made round…