As you may know (if you listen to my Twitter twaddle) we had a little rain during the week. Actually, we measured an impressive two inches of rain (well, nearly). It was wonderful, and I do admit to actually standing…
Weather Watch – RockVegas Fires
A quick note for World Weather Watch. (Yes, we missed Wednesday again. That’d be why it’s not Wednesday WWW. Just keepin‘ you on your toes!) … It’s another hot, dry day here at Granite Glen… the lawn is quite crispy…
Any Rain Will Do…
I had an awesome comment in my Weather post this week that I could not leave unacknowledged. … The fabulous Rhubarb Whine was inspired (or harrassed) into action by my constant harping about rain (or lack of it) and set…
Weather Wednesday… after the (dust) storm
It’s TRUE. I actually remembered my own weekly report this week… wonders will NEVER cease! … I so wanted to bring some greenery to this section of the blog… but Mother Nature is just not playing ball yet. The only…
New month, new header, no new weather!
Thought I’d sneak a little peak into the making of a blog header for y’all… no idea if anyone is remotely interested in how I come up with my bizarre ‘doorway’ into the Bush Babe blog, but thought I’d share…
Weather and Wedge-ies
Life is kinda crowding me at the moment … in the nicest possible way! I completely missed Weather Wednesday last week (cannot even keep to my OWN rules!).…I am so freaking busy I can hardly keep track of what day…
Weather Wednesday: woolly faces and faraway places
I have a delightful little lot of photos from Pony Club last weekend that I want to share… before it becomes next weekend and gymkhana time already! But seeing how today is WEDNESDAY (it is in Australia anyway) when I…
Spring-time wake-up call…
Mikey has been posting some amazing images of reptiles and their behaviour at her place lately… now I cannot match the snake-eating-snake series, but this big fella did stop us in our tracks this week.It is a black-headed python. He’s…
Dusty linings to invisible clouds…
World weather watch in disguise today! I have looked back over my weather watch posts and seen a scary thread of ‘dry crying’ throughout. And while we continue to be quite keen on getting a little H2O in this neck…
Weather Wednesday – or What Happened to Spring?
Went for a flying trip to Big Town sans children today – that’s six hours driving, six hours dealing with shops and appointments… I did take a few seconds out for Weather Wednesday photos on the way home (only a…