Wednesday-ish Weather Watch…. from Paradise
Oh heaven’s above… nearly forgot my Wednesday World Weather Watch (or as I like to call it: The Attack of the Alliterated W’s!)…I am mid-road-trip with four-year-old in tow, and staying at Sister Jeanie’s tonight. She’s free and easy with…
Something old, something new – a weather update for you!
It’s Wednesday, Australian time. And you know what that means: Weather Watch time! (I know, keep your raging excitement under control please!) Before I rush into the forecast for the weekend, the image I am sharing is one snapped recently…
World Weather Watch – August 5
Have I mentioned how dry it is here? Yes? Oh that’s right…. I did that already! Our few lonely clouds just cannot get their act together to precipitate. Outlook for today (Wednesday August 5): Temperature: 5-25 degrees Celsius (not bad)…
Done and dusted…
You know how bushies (and farmers) always complain about the weather? It’s all: ‘When’s it gonna rain?’ And there’s ‘bin nothin’ in the gauge this month’… How it’s too dry! Well honey… Colour me red and dusty and whingy! For…
WORLD Weather (and roof) watch WEDNESDAY
I will admit (up front) that I am not here. Not here at the computer anyway… and some would argue not all here, ever! I am actually travelling to another Big Town with Mum to help her choose a stove…
Also titled BETTER LATE THAN NEVER. Remember how I promised to try out a BB’S WORLD WEATHER WATCH? And I thought WEDNESDAY would be a great day for it… ‘Cause I am right into alliteration. Yeah… not Wednesday anymore (not…
Weather watch – I LIKE IT!
So last post was all kinda grey and gloomy… not like me, huh? … For the record Dash set no records (unlike his namesake he is no speedster – wrong genetics I am afraid!) but I was very proud that…
Weather check…
It’s bleak this morning. A real winter’s day. Dash’s smart royal blue and white uniform is buried beneath his thick parka and tracksuit pants. He is off to the big town sports day – where his sister and I will…
THAT’s not an icicle…
Do you remember that 1980’s movie Crocodile Dundee?When Paul Hogan was an Aussie and pre-plastic surgery? And remember that line where Mick says: ‘THAT’s not a knife… THIS is a knife!’… And remember how I showed you this: This amazing…
Wordless Wednesday – Dane versus Shetland