Beach weekend: snapshots #1
We squeezed in a brief trip away these school holidays, packing up and heading to the closest beach getaway to Granite Glen. Some friends had discovered a ‘resort’ (really just a set of units) at this seaside location which not…
Duststorm – extreme weather watch
Weather has been making the news here again… in a new and freaky format.We were trying to film a promotional video for Brangus cattle here yesterday, when it hit.It. Dust.A massive duststorm. It has affected most of eastern Australia –…
Weather and Wedge-ies
Life is kinda crowding me at the moment … in the nicest possible way! I completely missed Weather Wednesday last week (cannot even keep to my OWN rules!).…I am so freaking busy I can hardly keep track of what day…
Gymkhana Joyride
I know, I know… I have been sadly neglectful of my blog this week. Has anyone noticed? Never mind, don’t answer that (the echoing silence might depress me!)… I have NOT been sulking that Roger Federer lost the final of…
Game for anything…
I adore tennis… love watching it anyway! My favourite players were Mats Wilander (yummy cool Swede), Evonne Goolagong (met her, just divine!) and Ken Rosewall (saw him play in our local town when I was little… awesome!). These days, I…
A tale of two pony-clubbers
This weekend our little local town is holding a gymkhana – the very first one our kids have ever been to. And seeing as how we have only actually attended Pony Club itself three times in total with them, our…
Weather Wednesday: woolly faces and faraway places
I have a delightful little lot of photos from Pony Club last weekend that I want to share… before it becomes next weekend and gymkhana time already! But seeing how today is WEDNESDAY (it is in Australia anyway) when I…
Favourite Things: Marriage moments in monotone
I am finally getting around to working through the gazillion images shot at my cousin’s wedding a few weekends ago. And I thought, while I have my ever-growing butt parked in front of the computer, I’d share a couple with…
First Sunday in September…
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY… To my bloke who makes me skip a little like my daughter… …and to the ‘Old Fella’ …who should be skipping again soon! (Hope that foot is better soon Dad!) To my hard-workin’ guys – thanks for…
Rugged, unforgiving.
We had a long, fun, exhausting Saturday (yesterday) with the kids attending Pony Club and riding their little hearts out. I will post some cute images from that later on. But not today. We were lucky enough to get a…