Spring-time wake-up call…
Mikey has been posting some amazing images of reptiles and their behaviour at her place lately… now I cannot match the snake-eating-snake series, but this big fella did stop us in our tracks this week.It is a black-headed python. He’s…
Spurs and friendship…
My friend Debby sent me these amazing spurs last year. We both adore old, weathered things, things chock-full of history, with stories, with life written all over them. I have never met Debby – well not in person anyway. It’s…
Dusty linings to invisible clouds…
World weather watch in disguise today! I have looked back over my weather watch posts and seen a scary thread of ‘dry crying’ throughout. And while we continue to be quite keen on getting a little H2O in this neck…
Dane-sized Water Sprite
I use our two bore-fed sprinklers at Granite Glen often, in a valiant attempt to hold the crispy dry browness (over two months of no rainfall will do that to a once-green vista!) at the fenceline. It’s a fact of…
Almost vegetarian…
Just so as my father doesn’t leap into the car and hot foot it back here from Brisbane, I would like to clarify that we are NOT actually about to become completely vegetarian. That was just a little hook I…
Not sure if I have mentioned before that half of my family either has new babies, is cooking up new babies or is thinking of heading down that crazy, sleepless path… it’s a little insane! … I waver between thinking…
Weather Wednesday – or What Happened to Spring?
Went for a flying trip to Big Town sans children today – that’s six hours driving, six hours dealing with shops and appointments… I did take a few seconds out for Weather Wednesday photos on the way home (only a…
The Grand Canyon of Granite Glen
It’s been a case of lost and found here today. Found the photo memory card that holds all the family photos from the wedding last weekend. Exactly where I had left it, in the centre console of the groom’s car.…
Garden gazing…
A couple of quick shots from the garden tonight… My vege garden to be exact. My ‘pea’ section of my vege garden to be absolutely specific.This ladybug was trying to hide in the cap of a snow pea… … And…
Torture relief of the enamel kind
The torture we have been enduring since I first posted this image:has been EXCRUCIATING. … Sure 12 days might not seem a lot in EVERYDAY land.. but where I have been living, in WAITING FOR TOOTH FAIRY land, the hours…