Freaky Friday…
It’s funny the things you see on the way to a meeting, isn’t it? … You know, when I was a city chick, I would see all kinds of crazy on the way to work at George Street – addicts…
Flower confession time
I have to admit it… I have a strange flower fetish. It’s to do with bunches of flowers… I cannot leave them mixed. Our Small Town only offers mixed bunches of flowers – either lilies-and-gerberas or native-banksias-and-waratahs – which I…
World Weather Watch – August 5
Have I mentioned how dry it is here? Yes? Oh that’s right…. I did that already! Our few lonely clouds just cannot get their act together to precipitate. Outlook for today (Wednesday August 5): Temperature: 5-25 degrees Celsius (not bad)…
Done and dusted…
You know how bushies (and farmers) always complain about the weather? It’s all: ‘When’s it gonna rain?’ And there’s ‘bin nothin’ in the gauge this month’… How it’s too dry! Well honey… Colour me red and dusty and whingy! For…
We did it. My Dad has been well and truly toasted (but not too badly roasted) at his ‘almost 70’ soiree at Granite Glen house. It kind of turned into a weekend-long event. The first guests arrived Friday night and…
It’s my Dad’s 70th birthday soon… and while he’s not all that sure about this whole blogging thing his eldest daughter indulges in, I don’t think he’d mind if you knew.Really, he is pretty stoked to have come within cooee…
WORLD Weather (and roof) watch WEDNESDAY
I will admit (up front) that I am not here. Not here at the computer anyway… and some would argue not all here, ever! I am actually travelling to another Big Town with Mum to help her choose a stove…
Hop, hop and away!
This is a sight we pretty much see every day around here…but I am aware that for many people dropping by my place,the view of roos nervously dashing off away from the roadis kind of an unusual thing… So here…
Path to happiness…
Can mere bricks and mortar make a girl happy? (Or even a close-to-middle-aged battling-to-stay-brunette female?) I pose this question today, because over the weekend, my ever-lovin’ Hubby of the Year undertook a mission which indeed brings me enormous joy. Remember…
Kitchen help…
So, I made some mud-cake muffins…Can you tell who helped clean the bowl and beaters? Don’t be fooled… he did too!!Just washed evidence from his mug pre-photo(not that he poses… much!)NB The scratch is Axel-induced. Silly pooch thinks my kids…