Chaos, cows and you little beauty!
As I trawl through the hundreds of photos I snapped during our week in Rockhampton for Beef Australia, I am hit once again at what an incredible feat of organisation and enthusiasm this event takes. … Not only are thousands…
Bovine Bonanza!
Honey, I’m HOME! Have you missed me? I did mean to twitter my way through Beef Week, but neglected to take my login info with me (how utterly surprising) so I basically abandoned my blogging for the longest stretch since…
Head. Above. Water.
A very quick g’day from Rock-Vegas – to let you know I have not been trampled by bulls, I have not drowned in bulldust, or been lost in the unending action that is Beef Week… … Almost, but not quite.…
So much bull…and a little dust
It’s after midnight (Cinderella) and I should be in bed… I have been slack lately posting (although there are those in my life who think that posting on my little black blogs means I am being slack!) … But I…
Granite, grass and What Got Shot
Among the seventy gazillion jobs I have taken on out here in the bush, is a voluntary marketing role for a big (bovine) event in a couple of years time. This long-term project will require images… lots and lots of…
A little terrorism humour
OK…I don’t do this very often, but the following made me giggle. And I reckon we could all do with a good giggle, what with all the economic crises casting their ugly shadows, our footy teams losing and personal challenges…
My friends, my heroes
Just a short one tonight – my internet is playing silly buggars and I am tired. … But I cannot go to bed without properly acknowledging the incredible interview my friends Toni and Dave did with the Sunday Night program,…
Pooch Par-tay
Things have been a little crazy and hectic around here lately (apologies for slack blog posting, for those who check me regularly) But as we head towards Australia’s biggest bovine convention – Beef Week in Rockhampton (for the uninitiated is…
Happy J Day!!!
Hey everyone… there is something you should know… . *hand to mouth, whispers dramatically* IT’S JEANIE’S BIRTHDAY TODAY! That’s right. The woman who nagged me til I blogged should be celebrating today… Instead she is working her butt off!!! She’s…
Gratuitous rear end photo
You know, I thought to myself tonight, if I am going to get googled for offensive words – and trust me, I do* – then I may as well go the whole hog. *Note to self: Think very hard about…