The REAL “and the winner is…”
OK. I have it under control now. That blinking “post options” bucked me off momentarily, but I dusted myself off and climbed right back in that saddle. It weren’t aisy! *spits hayseed out of mouth* … Of course, now I…
Did someone say “greenhorn”? I accidentally posted a mock-up winner announcement just now… But the competition isn’t over! Not by a long shot. The real winners will be announced tomorrow. After y’all have finished entering. After the stated deadline (tonight).…
Last chance… get your entries in!
The competition is hot and fierce… and downright hilarious! And I have an 8 x 12″ print of any image I have taken and posted here at Bush Babe (of Granite Glen) promised for the maddest and most coffee-spitworthy of…
At the bottom of my garden…
I’ve said it before: I am no gardener. My thumb is more olive than green, if you get my drift… I have already had one attempt at a vegetable patch here since arrived here two years ago. It was mildly…
Photo stuff: freezing raindrops…
You know how I got excited about the little bit of rain that finally arrived at Granite Glen a few days ago? And how steaming hot it has been round these parts. Well I decided to use my trusty Nikon…
Mystery Photo: rust-ic edition
OK my friends… it’s mysery photo time again! A chance to take home one of your favourite images from this blog. A full colour 8×12 inch print. Gratis. Free. For nada!! For real. All you gotta do is… Tell me…
Christmas Food: seriously good tucker
We hosted Christmas for Mr Incredible’s family this year… you may recall? … And among the many challenges for this “laid-back” housekeeper was the food. The prospect of feeding 21 people for 3-4 days, with an additional 20 on Boxing…
Favourite things begins… Bloggers
I am planning a new section here called Favourite Things… I know it’s not a totally unique concept, but it will give me a great chance to do something a bit more succinct, with a nice photo or two. ……
Unfinished business
Among my many resolutions for 2009, I have vowed to keep on top of my book-keeping a little better… And I realised I had failed to follow-up on the winner from this post … So in order to tick off…
Weather wishes: join the dots
One thing I try not to do here on this blog is whinge too much…It’s an unattractive look on me. I know this… … But I have to say that the heat and the dryness of the summer season has…