Roses supposes (the hues on the) noses
My roses are out in bloom. OK OK. My Mum‘s roses are out in bloom. I can hardly take the credit. Just because I have lived at this house for almost two years (as an adult and chief ‘gardener’) and…
Outrageously cute (and funny!)
Oh how I have laughed lately… Well not yesterday… But before that I, was giggling like a schoolgirl. At y’all. (Those of you NOT lurking that is… we have yet to discover the talent of my readers who fail to…
Garden hoses… or not!
Just to momentarily divert from my recent theme of CUTENESS… I have a little poser for you. No prizes today, but you may need your Depend in place! … QUESTION: WHEN IS A GARDEN HOSE NOT A GARDEN HOSE? ANSWER:…
Alright, alright…
Just cause you asked so nicely… I give you… more pup and kids pics… This is No Name. He is three weeks old and cute as … well… a puppy! He has been visiting for the school holidays and has…
A little somethin’ special…
Please ignore my daughter’s unbrushed hair (we don’t call her fuzz-nut for nothin’) … And her scraped elbow (darn those tricky trikes on that hazardous patio racetrack) … But seriously, is this not one of the cutest things. Like ever?…
Mystery Answer… I think!
OK, show’s over. I have to look over your very crazy answers in order to choose a winner. Which I am not sure is actually possible. Where are the rules for this silly competition again? Oh, that’s right. There ARE…
Mystery Photo – what is this woman doing??
WE HAVE A WINNER: see end of post! Sorry I’ve been a bit tardy here at BB… we’ve been (wait for it) BUSY! I know, I know, that’s what I always say, and here I am, living in the country…
I am going to preface this post – first, get a cup of coffee – it’s a long one. Second, you may need some tissues. Just in case (I did). Third, if you are one of my cousins, please check…
A spoonful of honey…
Do you know that song? You know the one: A spoonful of honey* helps the medicine go down, medicine go dow-own, medicine go down, Just a spoonful of honey helps the medicine go down, In the most delightful way! ……
I am contemplating (against my better judgement) actually giving readers the chance to buy prints of my bush photos… … But I need your input! … Check out the poll on the right and let me know what YOU might…