Fairytale Dash-style: Snow White
Yesterday, The Little Woman was “reading” to Dash in the back seat of the Prado.This was a lovely change from bickering, and poking toes over the imaginary centre line of the bench seat. We were enchanted as our three-year-old entertained…
Ekka explorers
It’s a fact: I love heights.Always have – looooove looking down over the edge of tall buildings. Or hanging out the side of a motorised hang-glider a few hundred metres up over Noosa, or a helicopter over bushfires… the trait…
No More Mystery!
OK. I’m back. I’m bad. I’m whacked. But I’m glad.(Apologies to the writers of Lethal Weapon there!) …Mystery #1: Whereabouts of Bush Babe Apologies to my four regular readers who have wondered if I have been knocked off my perch…
Mystery (Away) Photo
If you have been reading here over the past week you will have a headstart on this week’s Mystery Photo… What do you think it might be? Hint: it’s not Bush Babe’s neck, even though she thinks it feels a…
Rainy day blues, reds and roos
It’s sometimes hard to drive around the roads here… especially when I am in a bit of a hurry. (And if you are up to speed at all, you’ll know this is pretty much always!). … You see, I have…
Technology beats the dust: I dream of Jeanie
Some of you may have been wondering where the illustrious/notorious Jeanie has been over the past couple of days… well, folks, I have solved the mystery! She has not been kidnapped and held for ransom… she is, in fact, here.…
Away with Dash…
Next week, Dash’s school goes away on camp. Almost all of his classmates (about 15 others from years Prep through to Seven) are camping out for four days and nights. … SSB and I have decided Dash is just not…
(Almost) Wordless Wednesday… Ironbark Sentries
At some angles, the trees through which our ‘driveway’ winds appear random, wild, haphazard… . They are called ironbarks, planted by Mother Nature many years ago. Stern, stalwart, steady. . And then, when you look at a certain angle…. it…
Little Woman, Big Cowgirl.
The Little Woman went for a ride this week. She loves horses. She loves to ride. But she had never been out in the paddock before. So, as the sun finally shared it’s warming rays, and Rob Roy allowed himself…
Mystery winner… and some philosophy!
Thanks to everyone for playing my Mystery Photo this week!! And we have a winner… the answer…drum roll please! … is WATER CRYSTALS!!! Well done Julie from Australia!! While I do admit it looked quite like ice, like where some…