Whinge alert!
I apologise for abandoning this blog for the past 48 hours… I’ve been busy. Busy going for the Guiness Book of World Records in the regurgitation of one’s stomach contents section. Dash has been pacing me. He still holds the…
It’s a Boy! (and a girl and a boy)
I hope you have already voted in my very first poll ever – because TIME’s UP folks! In the wee hours of last night, in the corner of a very messy room in our laundry, some babies arrived. A little…
(Brown) eyes have it!
I have brown eyes… very dark brown. Brown skin, brown hair, brown eyes. Unrelenting brown-ness. That’s me. … And in the way of women the world over, I have always wished for something OTHER than what I have. I wished…
Doggie Drama: the Patch files
Doggie dramas have been rife at Granite Glen lately… …We have Cruel. The shameless hussy. Getting bigger and more bosomy by the day. Cruel has been allowed out of her pen and has taken up residence in the spare room…
Autumn auto
Wordless Wednesday…
We had to get some steers out of one of our southern paddocks this week. Well, SSB did. I went along to provide moral support. And to bring the picnic. Feed ’em and Clean ’em – my dream job! ……
Campdrafting – the fence-sitters guide
This past weekend, horsemen and women from near and far gathered at a paddock almost an hour’s drive from Granite Glen. Dozens and dozens of goosenecks, horse floats, and trucks both old and new, descended on this particular paddock as…
Teaser… with spurs!
It’s late. I’m tired. Everyone else is in bed… You probably should be too! … So I’m just posting this… Just add horse sweat, pounding hooves and whips.. Interested? Same bat time. Same bat place. With spurs on. Adios Amigos!…
Ree ‘n’ Me…
I have to admit something… a confession if you like. I love The Pioneer Woman. OK, I don’t really know her, so I can’t really LOVE her, but I do love her style. Seeing as how most of you came…
The Cruel Files…
Do you remember Cruel? She’s our resident hussy. We love her lots. And we’re gonna love her babies. Any day now… (PS Is it just me or do you think she might need a maternity bra shortly?)