New Shoes…
My little emporer has new shoes.…Do you remember what having new shoes feels like? Not lately, when the price sends you reeling and you wish your feet were smaller/sexier/less flat (oh, that’s just me?). Remember new shoes when you were…
Food, Food, Glorious Food (& Sausage Roll Recipe)
I have always enjoyed my food. My family loves food – Mum makes a mean spag bol and tuna mornay, my Dad is game for anything (as long a red meat is an ingredient somewhere along the line) and both…
STRINE RULE #1: Laughing at ourselves
Given my recent encounters with translations from the American vernacular (‘hiney’ I have discovered, refers to your rear end, and a bit more), I thought I would trim down a popular email doing the rounds and share it with you.…
The Baked Beans Verse…
OK. I have been Zen. I have been un-Zen. I have been upbeat and downcast. Now its time to be silly. … The following verse is a favourite of my SSB (for the uninitiated, these letters can stand for Strong…
Not so Zen…
Were you around yesterday when I was feeling all calm, and soothed, and Zen? It was nice – it was peaceful and very non-confronting… That was yesterday. Today was more… sharp-edged and IN YOUR FACE. Note the absence of the…
A moment…
Ever stopped for a moment, stopped and listened? Really listened? To the clouds. To the wind. To the moment? It’s a soul soothing thing That can silently bring Salve to your aches Let the world stand still For this moment.…
Breakfast at Bush Babes…
Our household was a bit slow out of the blocks this morning. It was overcast and the soft grey light encouraged us all to slumber a little longer… SSB was up with the alarm at 5.30am of course, but I…
Whale of a Time…
We don’t take too many holidays here at Granite Glen – well, we didn’t as kids but in the 16 months since we moved back here, we have managed a few days away. One of the most memorable so far…
Who the heck are you?
You might notice a new box on the right of this lil’ ol’ blog. I had nothing to do with putting it there – my amazingly clever, HTML literate, brainy sister is visiting me and popped it there for me.…
A (worm) picture is worth a 1000 words…
I thought about going through long and tedious explanations about why we chose to up sticks and head for the bush almost 18 months ago. Why we gave up a seaside home and a good salary and weekends off, for…