Faulty guard goanna FIRED!
Debbie alert – this post contains images of, and references to, goannas. Avert your eyes NOW or be wearing your Depend! Do you remember my house goanna? The one who I thought was worth having around just to deter snakes…
A little light relief…
Thought after you had endured yesterday’s epic offering, you deserved a little light relief! And if you have just started reading and are wondering what ever happened to our little heart hero, Dash… Well, he grew into a little boy…
Back to the Future…
OK – my greenhorn-ness at blogging is showing. Pardon me. I have a new post for you, but it’s hidden in the archives… don’t ask me – I have no idea how I achieved this. If you want some heavy…
Five things that Get My Goat
OK – I have been ‘tagged’ apparently, and that means I must spend today having a whinge… I am so new at this I have no idea of protocol (I have only just worked out bookmarking, sad but true) so…
Is your window up?
I went for a drive yesterday, while the boys were mustering. It was early afternoon and we had been branding. It was hot and steamy, and I needed to do some computer stuff at my SIL’s house. I was getting…
Branding Lesson, Straight from the Cow’s mouth
I was going to go into the whys and wherefores and details and explanations about the “mothering up” part of the branding process. For any city types wanting some bush-type instruction. “Mothering” is that vital part of the process where…
Our King of Hearts – Part Two (The Big One)
If you have just joined me, this post will seem a bit, well random. You need to read here first. If you want some colourful photos, check out almost every other post I have. This one is black and white,…
Our King of Hearts – Part One
I am changing the pace a bit today – so if you are hoping for something about crazy-looking wildlife click here, or if photos of some old stuff rocks your boat then click here. If you are ready for a…
A bush christening
The Little Woman got baptised yesterday – a bush christening. If you know the Banjo Paterson poem of this title, you will understand the potential for romantic settings and possible disaster. My cousin had decided to have her two little…
Sleep like a babe…
OK, this is the most self-indulgent post you will ever see… forgive me. … It’s just that I happen to believe I have given birth to the two most gorgeous kids on the planet (OK, I know yours are pretty…