Competitive streak
I need to remove any kind of halo I might have accidently built up here on this blog. Before my friends all 'out' me! It's about feeling blue... and the conflict between goodwill and the need for speed. And what…
Cooking up a contest
Tis the season of goodwill .... well it is HERE anyway. With this in mind, I am giving away something special. Your tummies with thank you, I promise!
The Warmth of Goodwill
With its emphasis on good sportsmanship and goodwill, the warmth of the camaraderie of our little schools' sports day tends to make up for the physical chill in the air. That and the hot pies and sausage rolls!
Banner banter
Bush Babe banners... how the 2010 calendar is transforming into the monthly headers.
Cherish this Chestnut
I've said it before....I'll say it again...if are they ever looking for a horse to clone... we have JUST the one!
Tit for Tat (the no shade hat)
This one is for Ree. For lovers of cowboys. Horsemen. Whatever you call them at your place. And for those who hate hat shadows. You can thank me later!
The clouds have lifted... and so has the warm winter weather. A little chill warmed with some fabulous old blue gums. And calling for your weather reports!
Meet Millie
You know when your husband EXPRESSLY forbids you from doing something... well... sorry darl. Had to share!
What’s weaning?
The fascinating task that is weaning. (Kind of like boarding school for half-grown calves... and some gratuitous photos of old stuff)
Poll for horns of my dilemma
It's all about horns. And dilemmas. And polls.