Today’s landscape entry
Thought I'd share my entries in the Pioneer Woman's assignment this week - my chances of winning are pretty much nil, but I just love seeing what everyone comes up with!
Knot strimming the bush
A neighbour was trimming her shrubbery (or as Jilly Cooper might say "strimming her hedges") last week, when she spied something that caused her to gasp and throw down her secateurs.
Long weekend drivin
As we look down the barrel at consecutive long weekends here in Australia, I thought I should share one of the many scenic drives we have in this little pocket of the world. Anyone out there suffer vertigo?
bushbabeofoz dot OMMMMMM
So... did anyone spot the DELIBERATE mistake in the last post?
A welcome gift
I decided that while you are all being so good and patient with me as I work out this fancy-pants new blog, you deserve a little reward... a freebie for your screens!
That's right - I am moving (blog) house... it's kind of scary and exciting and paralysing and awesome and terrifying at the same time I haven't quite finished the job of course - a few boxes left unpacked and I…
Calendar Contest winner…
And the winner of the Calendar contest is.... Comment number ...
Pre-change CONTEST…
So here is the deal... I'm not exactly BORED with blogging And I'm not exactly SHORT of bloggable material... And I'm by no means disheartened by my commenters' input here... In fact those three things couldn't be further from the…
I have to practice getting my lips around some new words today... My. Son. Is. Eight. Gads...
Words are not enough…
You need to gird yourself for this one, I'm afraid. I can barely bring myself to post these photos, cause the subjects are so darned precious...Oh go on then. See for yourself...