A little less conversation, a little more Axel…
So apparently I haven’t been sharing enough of a certain member of the Granite Glen household lately… someone whose personality is as big as any character list on my sidebar, and whose growth rate is about ten times any other…
Shetland Sums
I have three little things I need to share today. Three little things which add up to one little very round thing… . – ONE – It has been very, very dry around here lately (I know, I have HARDLY…
The Great Hobby Horse Fiasco
Earlier this week I shared a little of our Melbourne Cup day – the finery and fashion. And the cuteness with which I am bombarded. But I kind of missed out on one of the more spectacular of the events.…
And if I have not already overloaded you in the cute department… there is a little something I need to share: Heaven help me… another second cousin (sorry, first cousin, once-removed). A cherub of the highest order. One of the…
Weather Wednesday – late and hot
It’s hot.Damned hot.Hot and sweaty.And I am late.Can’t sleep. It’s darned late and I am late. (Lee from NJ got sick of waiting for this post and left a forecast in the last post!) It’s hot and still and dry.Which…
Bush Cup Details: heat, hats and hobby horses
Yesterday was Melbourne Cup Day… A day to throw on some glad rags Fill up the esky with beer, wine and finger food And head west in search of Race Day, Bush style! … We found it. Sixty kilometres from…
The Post-Cup, Pre-Proper Post preview…
A quick note tonight – I am exhausted, over-tired and I have serious guilt complex issues arising from the sad fact that my children went to bed tonight having imbibed (wait for it) Cheezels in the car for dinner. I…
Welcome to the Bush Babe Calendar order page. Thanks so much for dropping by… The inaugural (2010) The Beauty of the Bush calendar is now OFFICIALLY on sale. It is filled with images of the Australian countryside (known locally as…
Shrek and the Swamp
You know how we have a pool? A pool my father built when he was just a teenager? A pool that provides some serious relief from the Aussie heat in the summer months? And you know how (despite many, many…
The great CALENDAR question…
OK – am working on a bush calendar… using some of these photos cleverly selected by y’all (and here too). But I need some advice – AGAIN!! (How did I ever make a decision before blogging?) .The calendars would cost…