Horses, hues and HELP!
Loving the horseflesh MUCH. The tech items in my life, NOT SO MUCH!
Tit for Tat (the no shade hat)
This one is for Ree. For lovers of cowboys. Horsemen. Whatever you call them at your place. And for those who hate hat shadows. You can thank me later!
Cute Capers – a Trilogy
Whenever there is a gathering around these parts, my camera lense is (naturally) drawn to the kids. ~~~ Sweet, unselfconscious,smiling, sullen,silly,madcap,darling. Three vignettes of cuteness....
Some friends of mine…
Our local campdraft last weekend was a hectic, happening affair – with lots of action in the centre ring and plenty of activity in the grandstands too. Events like this provide the chance for socialising that can be rare in…
Change of Expression
Something pretty amazing happened today. We have been having a massive campdrafting weekend, with Cyclone Ului being polite and staying at bay (although the skies are quite grey). There has been some AMAZING action which I will share when I…
Draft details
Today, less is more.Less words.Instead, I shall let the photos do the talkin’. But I want you to do one little thing for me, before I officially shut the heck up.You have to tell me your favourite shot of this…
Dash-ed and dust-ed
We have spent the last two weekends at campdrafts. Now I love campdrafting – or to be more specific, I love watching campdrafting. But being out all weekend with two little kids in dusty, hot, hectic environments can be… well……
Weekend warriors…
Weekends for most people are a relaxing time.A time to take some respite from a hard-workin’ week. To do something different from the everyday. For most. Can you guess what our weekend consisted of? Oh sure, we were away from…
Influences and thrill-seeking genetics
Mustering and working cattle is a lot of what happens here at Granite Glen. Sure there is other work to be done – building fences, making sure waters are reliable, machinery maintenance. Gathering and sorting cattle is a big part…
Focus and weekends…
I have a little dilemma… You see, last week, Mr Incredible went back to school. But it wasn’t just ANY school. It was a campdraft school. (Everyone scratching their heads at this reference, please go here before continuing. It’s important,…