
Focus and weekends…

I have a little dilemma…
You see, last week, Mr Incredible went back to school.
But it wasn’t just ANY school.
It was a campdraft school.
(Everyone scratching their heads at this reference, please go here before continuing. It’s important, trust me. If you don’t, it’s all just eye candy from here on!)
The campdraft school went for two days at our local showgrounds, with 16 other avid campdrafters fronting up with their steeds. Mr Incredible has never campdrafted before, but loves watching this amazing Aussie sport. It’s tricky and demanding and depends on a strong partnership between horse and rider to outwit and manoeuvre a beast (steer or heifer) away from a mob and around a set course. It’s nerve-wracking, a bit dangerous, often frustrating and it can also be quite exhilarating.
And with my father (a long-time campdrafter, and son of two pretty exceptional campdrafters) as a keen influence, and his own natural competitive spirit seeking some sort of outlet, Mr Incredible finally made the decision to ‘have a bit of a go‘ at this sport. So he loaded up (Super) Trooper into the horse float, and joined the fray.
And let me tell you, despite searingly hot conditions over the two days of training, the man was a picture of unwavering concentration
Of course, it goes without saying that my concentration wavered regularly, but you are all used to that by now!
I tried not to hang around too much (i.e. decided against sunstroke and in favour of air-conditioned shopping/errand running/kindy drop-off-pick-up/visiting Mum etc) but did manage to be ringside in time for this – Mr Incredible’s second ever run with a beast (bovine) around a campdraft course.
Wanna see?

This is my hubby on his gorgeous steed – he has already completed the first peg (loop around a white post) and is galloping through the centre of the figure 8 (between the first two pegs) of the course. I was so excited and proud that he made it this far.

This is as Trooper is ‘changing over’ and moving from one side of the beast to the other to turn him a new direction. It means he has to check his speed, change lead legs, and quickly move across without clipping the back of the steer – my heart is always a little in my mouth at this point. Clearly my mind wasn’t properly on my photography, as I have almost captured what I like to refer to as “the old headless horseman” shot. Yar. Not cool shootin’ Bush Babe!

They have almost completed the second peg here, and are heading back through the centre of that figure 8. Can you see both Mr Incredible and Trooper focussed completely on the creamy steer?

The steer is throwing a bit of a challenge out and the speed is on, but the concentration is unwavering from horse and rider See…

And then, before you know it, Mr Incredible and Trooper are through that magic invisible loop, and heading around to the right, aiming for ‘the gate’.

Oh my Lord. A full course. My rookie hubby.

Like wow, man!

And then I find out that his first run was also a complete course. And the instructor mutters something like “better tell that wife of his that he’s gonna be addicted“. And things start flashing before my eyes. Things other than how amazed I am by such a good showing today.

Because even as he picks up his hat and walks his panting horse back across the arena, I can see it in HIS eyes.

And in that toothy grin…
See that?

Flashing across in front of the camera? Or is it just berfore my eyes?

My weekends. My nice ‘at home’ weekends. They are fading away, and being consumed with a new found sport… trucks, horses, dust, leather, galloping, sweat, laughter, sunburn, cursing, exhaustion, weary smiles. And lots and lots of washing. These images flash and blur. A dilemma focusses in my minds eye: Photo opportunities versus laundry. Dear God.

Trooper knows it too, I can see the prospect of busy weekends in his eyes too

‘Yeah Bush Babe’

(says Trooper, in his silent horsey way)

‘But it’s bloody good fun!’


  • Mom L

    Amazing! I read the “instructional” blog all the way through as you directed, so followed this one beautifully even though I’m a Yank! What incredible (pun intended) skill that takes! I almost felt like I was sitting there with you (but in a comfy folding chair, not hanging onto the fence rail) and swear I could hear the sounds of beasts and crowd!!! Thanks, BB!

    Nancy in Atlanta (Iowa Diane’s Mom)

  • Pony Girl

    WOW! Exciting stuff. Great photos~ I love the last two! 🙂 Do you think M.I will want to start competing?
    I might have to see if there is a youtube video of campdrafting in action….just to get a better idea what it looks like live!

  • Gem

    BB, EXCELLENT PICS!! I love them and I am sooo jealous that you get to have those opportunities for great shoots – hell – the laundry can wait!!!

  • Kate

    Those pics and watching Mr. Incredible are well worth the neglected laundry…at least for your loyal readers 😉

    That looks like a really cool sport btw, i wish they did it around here.

    And i’m going to go look at the pics again now 🙂

  • Danielle Michelle

    And our cowboys think they can manipulate a steer? Circles nothing! They should try figure 8’s!!! Ha! That is awesome! I want to do it!

  • Hafts Happenings

    Fabulous photos. Mr. Incredible did an awesome job! You did a great job of capturing it. I did go back and read the previous blog, so iwas bale to follow along!

  • sues2u2

    That looks great! We're off to the rodeo (similar) here in a few weeks. It's the college circuit but not quite the same as what MI & Trooper did.

    And yes, the grin on MI's face? Yeah, you Will Not be doing laundry on weekends! ha,ha

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