Oz Zoo by BB: a visual assault
Last week, the Granite Glen gang visited Australia Zoo. G’day Steve… the man was looking at us from almost every vantage point on the road in, and from monitors scattered throughout the Zoo. It could have been creepy but was…
Fairytale Dash-style: Snow White
Yesterday, The Little Woman was “reading” to Dash in the back seat of the Prado.This was a lovely change from bickering, and poking toes over the imaginary centre line of the bench seat. We were enchanted as our three-year-old entertained…
Ekka explorers
It’s a fact: I love heights.Always have – looooove looking down over the edge of tall buildings. Or hanging out the side of a motorised hang-glider a few hundred metres up over Noosa, or a helicopter over bushfires… the trait…
Away with Dash…
Next week, Dash’s school goes away on camp. Almost all of his classmates (about 15 others from years Prep through to Seven) are camping out for four days and nights. … SSB and I have decided Dash is just not…
Brothers and Sisters…
Sometimes, the stars align at Granite Glen… … That moment when my feng shui and karma and my generall goodwill to mankind (OK this last bit might be a bit of overkill) all come back to me in the form…
Big Smoke (and a PS)
Recently, we had an unexpected trip to the Big Smoke.… The kids, SSB and I enjoyed the chance to catch up with some (city-based) family and the change in scenery. And the chance to dress up like the city folk…
Words weavers
The Amazing Shirley, at Rhubarb Whine, recently did a beautiful post on the love of language. It rang true with me… while I’m not into the type of verbose prose that numbs one’s brain into submission, I do adore the…
Goodwill and the Games…
Things have been busy round here… and not just with our boys doing their thing in the paddock here on the property.… The local ladies (OK the boys have helped too, but it’s been mostly the girls) of the Parents…
Morning Town Ride…
Last week, we had a special treat out here in the Queensland bush.Queensland Rail were sending an old steam train on a journey around the towns… They were sharing a bit of history with schoolchildren and train addicts. I am…
This is kinda Wordless Wednesday … with a few words! … I want to take a whole series of images of two hands… not in the Heath Ledger sense, but in the Granite Glen generational sense. Today’s post is my…