Catching up (and cold)
Thermometres and thermals. Cattle and coeliacs. A mixed bag today!
Whips at dusk
School holidays see a rise in this host's 'happy' hormones. (And can someone send a bulldozer?)
‘F’ is for trees
The F tree. The most magnificent (and simple and complicated) of plants.
Hunting for Audrey and Mia (Ch 15)
Flashing back to another time, another place, another era - visiting Noo Yawk (stylishly!)
Birthday Boy
A milestone celebrated (with crabs!)
Zoomin’ and snoozin’
Cuter'n'pie... contrasting moments from the Goodwill Games for a future star.
Blokes and body language
Sometimes a picture tells a thousand words. Or at least a couple of sentences...
Easter @ The Beach
I may not be brave about waves, but the views from a beach Easter are worth the risk!
1 of my favourite – people…
Where I risk life and limb to share with you 'a little something special'...
1 of my favourite – sights
One of those images that totally makes me smile - free helpers!