How to Blow the Budget and Terrorize the Teenage Porter
A Girls Getaway: from the Bush to the Big Smoke.
Since referred to as:
How to Blow one’s Budget and Terrorize the Teenage Porter.
But I’m getting ahead of myself…
I was delighted to be invited, but had umm-ed and aaah-ed about whether I should go – it was really only 18 months since I’d had open slather at the Big Smoke myself… years which I had apparently wasted without a second thought. Plus, leaving SSB in charge of the kids at the end of a hard week’s work in the paddock seemed a bit rough.
But he OK’d the plans after enduring a couple of weeks of the umm-ing and aah-ing, and pushed me out the front door, reassuring me that everyone would be fed and watered and bathed and read to and generally kept alive for the 48 hours I was absent.
After appeasing my crew, I joined five other women for the rendezvous in our local town. We piled bags and bodies into two cars for the 41/2 hour journey south-east. I have to admit, I find it hard to leave my family… for the first two hours, I was feeling a major tug homeward and had to quash it down. Luckily I was prevented from chucking a U-turn by the faint possibility that the two other women in the car (which was not mine) could have turned on their driver, should they be hijacked by a homesick wuss. So I sucked it in and concentrated on Having Fun.
Luckily we had some ‘Really Good Big Girl Fun’ to look forward to after our four-hour journey. Facials. One of the most utterly self-indulgent pastimes a woman can immerse herself in. Lying down with no children trying to crawl on you, with someone else pampering your poor, ignored skin. The mere thought made me dizzy with anticipation. And that wasn’t all. They were free. You heard me. Free facials…
These young girls didn’t yet have all the front-of-house skills one might anticipate from a beauty expert, but I couldn’t have cared less. I wasn’t there for conversation – trust me, with six women together, extra chatter is not something that’s lacking. And frankly, I didn’t want to hear what she thought of my sun-damaged, open-pored 40-ish skin. Silence, in this instance, was golden.
And after a couple of hours pampering, we hauled ourselves upright and sought recovery and re-energizing with some caffeine. As you do.
So we Sat and Sipped and Talked. It was a bit of a theme really. Our caffeinated conversations were kinda like punctuation marks between each frantic bout of ‘Doing Stuff We Can’t Do at Home’.
Stuff like:
Shopping at Myers and generally Buying Stuff for Ourselves
There was a 25% off sale at Myer… a temptation too good to resist and some of us went OFF… Hello “Jennifer”!!
(my haul: 2 bras, 1 foundation, 1 set PJs… I set the place on FIRE! Or not.)
Stocking up with quirky stuff for the gift cupboard
(something I’ve started since moving to GG – birthdays seem to sneak up on me.)
Having pedicures
(OK just me indulging here, please ‘scuse the spastic toes! My first ever french pedicure! Hope the horses and puppies enjoy and respect the view…)
Dining out
(this is my absolute specialty! We ate it too fast to take photos… sorry. *Burp!*)
Terrorising the resort porter
(a very sweet teenage guy who was landed with the job of escorting six very loud Desperate Housewives to and from their apartment in a golf cart… long-term therapy may be required).
I decided not to embarrass him any further than he had already endured… so here is an image of the cabin we stayed in instead of a snap of poor sweet Jason. It was very spacious and spesh. And there were no close neighbours. For which everyone (I’m sure) was thankful.
This amazing retail outlet offered “legal highs” and “aphrodisiac” as well as being “harmless” and “hippy”. Uh huh!
Trying out cocktails without guilt over being ‘designated driver’(Ah, I remember when they were a regular theme in my life – how motherhood changes things!)
and Sharing our ‘drug of choice’:
the White Sunglasses These white sunnies were purchased as a joke by one of my glamorous SIL’s (above). They are enormous Paris Hilton style plastic sunglasses. But they quickly became our Girls Group signature “look”… we all tried them out and a great many strangers who wandered naively into our radar zone were also called on to try them on. The effect was almost instantaneous. People went a bit silly. Perhaps it was the anonymity behind these giant lenses.
Perhaps it was the Paris factor (or not! Dear me, who IS that poor woman? Oh. Me. I thought I looked much more sultry that that!).
Whatever. It worked.
The Fun Factor was sorted. And our girls worked it to the max.
‘Jen’ – who in real life is very shy and retiring – had trouble keeping the paparazzi away!
Our Paris girls convinced band members to wear the sunnies, and then strutted their stuff on stage accompanied by some tambourine action…
They even convinced their taxi driver to wear them at 3am. I hope he could see where he was heading! Looking good, mate!
It was silly. And fun. And rejuvenating in an exhuasting kinda way.
In many ways, as I reflect on our getaway, I am struck by the contrast in my approach to activities that (less than two years ago) were on tap. When I lived in the city, the nearest beauty salon was just 50 metres from my house. The nearest boutique just 1 km. The nearest Myers, only 10 minutes drive. The nearest band venue, just 1 km. And yet I barely visited them. I’m not a shopper at heart and my hard night’s out vanished with the arrival of children. None of these places held any real allure for me any more.
But now having limited access to such luxuries, and non-essential services, has changed me. I still don’t love shopping, but there is a sweetness to a short burst of this self-indulgence that just didn’t exist before. Knowing that it could be many months before another opportunity arrives, sharpens the senses and distills the experience.
Knowing that the chance to just be a Girl (not a Wife, not a Mum, as sweet and amazing as those roles are) was a reminder of who I am. A Woman. A woman whose feet really needed some attention! And who can make purchases in four locations within 10 minutes when push comes to shove.
And a woman who still isn’t overly keen on deafening bands and competing with hordes of teenagers for a place at the bar… Seriously, if any of our hubbies had walked into that joint, they would have been the biggest hotties there. By a street. Or the proverbial country mile… I know I wasn’t the only one muttering under my breath:
Thank God I am married!
We made it to our respective homes on an average of just four hours sleep a night each. I think the Sunshine Coast has been left relatively unscathed (with the possible exception of our Novotel porter).
Six women slept pretty well on arriving home.
Six husbands are slowly recovering.
As are six households.
One child’s fringe will eventually grow back.
Our credit cards will cool down in a few weeks.
And my pedicure may not last too much longer (the puppies could soon see to that!).
Geez… but it was worth it!
Thanks girls…
It’s always fascinating to discover things. I have a gift closet as well. I thought that I was quite clever. We have an empty bedroom. Now I have a gift room. I Christmas shop all year around, and I always have spare gifts for birthdays and the like.
And so do you.
I thought you were a blonde.
One last question? Did that store actually sell pot?
lol – was that the other SIL on the stage shaking her tambourine?
Glad you had fun.
Looks like a damn fine 48 hrs was had by all 🙂
Those old sayings are true – too much of a good thing is bad, but in small doses you can appreciate them all the more 😉
that looks like it was fun. that cabbie was sure a good sport. 🙂
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Jayne and DW… it was a fun weekend but it was WONDERFUL to come home too. My SSB was looking pretty amazing to me I have to say!! I missed my family…
Wonder why you thought I was blonde Deb… perhaps it’s my grammar?? (Don’t shoot all you blondes!!!) I have no idea what that store sold… we were driving by and I spotted it out the window. None of those girls needed any boost (in the natural high department) – I wonder how many police visits they get at this place though!
Jeanie – I have no doubt SIL A was there shaking her tamborine too… I was on my way home to bed by this stage, I have to admit! Someone had to drive the next day!
Hey – I saw a man on the beach, running in the opposite direction of that cabin, screaming and looking generally disturbed… Wonder if there’s a connection to poor sweet Jason? lol!
Sounds like a fabulous get away, and a just as fabulous return 🙂
I do not mock blondes. That’s stereotyping. Plus they’re all catty and mean. :^D
Maybe it just looked that way in a picture. Dunno exactly how I came to that conclusion.
It really sounds like a lot of fun, though.
Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)
Alison – yup. That would be Jason. Six 30-something (*ahem!)women set loose are a bit of a handful for the most experienced porter! And then add a golf cart and some wine – well, you can imagine the rest. I think he may suffer hearing impairment at best.
Debby – my pic at the top of this has black eyebrows… I’d have to be a bottle blonde. And that’s WAY too much hard work. I did try on my Mum’s blonde wig once – I looked like a drag queen. I still haven’t fully recovered…
PS A great weekend… our boys have almost recovered!