Language,  The Bush

Oi, Oi, Oi!!!

This is wattle – it’s an Aussie bush currently in bloom around Granite Glen…

Now, in a seeminly unrelated question: Are you watching the Olympics?

Even if you are not a sports nut, the six-ring circus that is the World Games sucks you in…

Me, I love a good dose of sport on TV. Especially the swimming. And the equestrian. Especially (and I am showing my true colours here) when the Aussies win!
I’m a competitive soul at heart, and I love seeing the underdog triumph. And we Aussies will always see ourselves as underdogs, because like we have heaps less people than almost anywhere else, and besides we live underneath pretty much the rest of the world… and while we really like Michael Phelps (a Yank with talent and humility is our kinda Yank!) we really do like to hear the droning tones of our beloved national anthem instead of Stars and Stripes every so often…
Like our fabulous girls in the 200m freestyle relay… like WOW!!
And Stephanie Rice – you gorgeous fish – you are the bomb!
That’s gold baby!

Green and gold!

(Uniform officials, please take note. Green and gold = Aussie colours. Not sappy blue. Got it?)

OK… it’s OK. Swimming is nearly over and I’ll be back to calm, collected Bush Babe real soon.

Just one thing before I sign off…

Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi!!

(Thanks I feel so much better now!)



  • Pencil Writer

    I watched those Aussie girls swim last night. They were awesome! Like miles ahead of our own US girls. But hey! If you can do it, you do it! But Michael Phelps is something to watch too! Man! Has he ever lost?

  • jeanie

    I heard yesterday morning that if Michael Phelps were a country, he would be coming 4th in the medals tally!

    I also love the Rice headlines going around – the pefect mix really, Rice and Chinese!

  • I'm Julie

    This particular Yank is as Non-Sports fan as one can get – but I am so drawn in to these Olympics I can hardly stand it. Michael Phelps is amazing.

    But I’m also cheering for your Aussie girls! They are putting on a great show.

  • Tracey

    As greenandgold blinded as we Aussies are, we still love a swimming star from anywhere, so Michael Phelps sure as hell gets our admiration and respect.

    Like “Rice Cracker” jeanie?! Classic headlines indeed! Love, love, love it when we pick up an underdog win like that relay yesterday though!

    Husband is really cheesed off that we are going to be riding our bikes during Sunday when the 1500m is on.

    I’m so green and gold, BB, that I want to see our flag green and gold! (I also think our national anthem should be ‘I am Australian’, so I am a bit of an unconventional dork!

    [I LOVE wattle. Not much growing around here, and I miss it. I always reckoned it was my birthday tree!!]

  • Debby

    *I have not watched the Olympics at all. I wandered in and out during the opening ceremonies.

    *hangs head in shame and leaves*

  • dykewife

    it’s funny. despite the brouhaha around the olympics and our city having at least one competitor, i’ve had absolutely no interest in the games at all. none, zip, nil, nada. even the opening celebration wasn’t something i cared about.

  • Debby

    dykewife: If you said that to make me feel better about myself, thanks. If you didn’t well, you know what? I feel better about myself anyways, so thanks!

  • Bush Babe (of Granite Glen)

    DW and Deb – what on earth are you pair carrying on about?? Why would you feel bad if you don’t waste time watching grown people try and one-up each other?? I’m always a bit embarrassed at how excited I get during epic sporting battles – it’s a base instinct I think. You pair are clearly just a bit more evolved than the rest of us!!

  • M+B

    We do lots of Oi Oi Oi shouting at our house too, BB. I am raising a little sports fanatic over here, thankfully those yellow swim caps are easy for 2 year olds to spot!

    In IGA yesterday, Miss 2 squealed with excitement “Look mum, Libby’s on the muesli bar boxes”!!! much to the amusement of the other shoppers

  • Debby

    I got to babysit tonight, my little 5 month old grand niece. Everyone was watching the Olympics. Rachel was rolling around on a blanket. I was stretched out beside her visiting. I commented that this was the first that I’d watched an event, and how embarrassing that was, and related your “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie! Oi, oi, oi!” The baby laughed and lauged and laughed. We tested it out. It’s not the Aussie part. It’s the OI!

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