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Going Cold Turkey…

I am having withdrawals.
I am getting jittery.
And disoriented.
And very hard to live with.
I am going Cold Turkey on not one, but two of my addictions.
And it has nothing to do with Thanksgiving.
Why? I hear you ask.
(I can hear you from here, you know!)
Because BOTH of the mechanical things on which I totally rely
are in their respective ‘hospitals’.
You know the ones I am talking about.
These two mechanical things you see here…

That’s right.
My beloved Nikon and my Prado are both in the shop.
The camera started playing up the DAY of Jeanie’s wedding
(‘stressful timing’ would not be an exaggeration of this particular event!)
And the Prado has been playing up for ages.
And after going to SEVEN different mechanics (I KNOW!) we are hoping this one will finally fix the bloody thing!
So we have Bush Babe with no car and no camera.
I can barely put a sentence together I am so traumatised.
And Mr Incredible (SSB) does not enjoy me being all dramatic and traumatised, I can tell you!
To distract myself I am actually going to address a list that Pam has nominated me for.
(And if you read this blog at all, you may know I don’t like being constrained by rules. So anything could happen!).
I’ll do it. Soon.
When I pull myself together.
Unless I go stark raving motherless mad in the meantime.
Wish me luck!


  • Leslie

    I totally understand the traumatised thing.

    I know!

    When my oldest blew the engine on his sports car over a year ago, and TOOK my car which I needed daily… I ended up buying another car and giving him that one.

    Now he is carless again and really – I get VERY upset if he asks for my car. I need to have my car. I may not drive it a lot, but how are we expected to manage without our wheels?

  • Pony Girl

    I totally get it! I feel lost without my car….and naked without my camera. Not a good place to be~ lost and naked, LOL! 😉 It’s amazing how dependent we become on things….two years ago I didn’t even have a digital camera, and now it’s like a 3rd arm!

  • Debby

    You won’t go stark raving motherless mad, having a perfectly fine mother. If you’re stressed and jittery, drag SSB off to a quiet place. Repeat as necessary, until completely unstressed. This has the added benefit that he won’t mind so much the next time that you get all dramatic and traumatized.

  • Cactus Jack Splash

    Well you can always take to following those hole diggin lizards around and fill in the holes as soon as they dig them.
    How about riding one of the horses, take along a sketchpad and a pencil…then you will have transportation and a way to get pictures.
    Hope you get your machines back soon.

    By the way you won an award, go to to pick it up

  • HR

    I Have owned cars like that. The solution, you ask?
    Take it to a town where you are not well known and give it a good TRADING OFF. Works every time.
    Good luck-HR

  • Wrensong Farm

    Breathe deep…..all will be well…That said I can’t handle being without a vehicle for more than a day….and my camera? probably no more than 3 days….so I totally understand. 🙂

  • Kate

    Oh that would totally be driving me mad! I actually went for a whole year without a car while going to school in Hawaii but it’s very different now. And no camera!!! I would certainly be going through withdrawals. I have been at my parents house the last three days for Thanksgiving and i brought my computer with me… 🙂 I couldn’t live without it for that long!! So sad.

    The WV is ‘Cessual’ Does that sounds bad to anyone else?

  • Anonymous

    Thanks Deb – yes BB has a perfectly good mother – again. We are just back from a cruise today. But where is BB?? She is not answering her phone! Now I’ve got withdrawal.
    BTW I took all the necessary addresses with me when we left, including yours, to send photos to all while we were away and make everyone jealous. However…. I ‘forgot’ to take my password didn’t I, and could not get the darn thing right. And it definitely was NOT the Big Al as I did a test someone emailed me so I could find out if I had it and I passed that no trouble! And that test would HAVE to be right wouldn’t it?
    Didn’t think it was worth setting up a new account for a few days so I definitely had a bit of withdrawal there – but I was very strong and resisted!!! Now I just have to find that darn password….


  • Gem

    Oh no – I hate when that happens. When do you get them back? When we returned from our recent trip – hubby was without his ute for 4 weeks while the engine was rebuilt! He took my car!!!

  • Bush Babe

    Thanks all for sympathy… I feel so much better!!

    HR – you are a wise man! We are working on it…

    BBM – everyone knows it’s you Mum! Stop trying to be sneaky! For anyone not sure of what that comment was about – Mum couldn’t get her Gmail to work on her cruise holiday. Something about a password?? She assures me its not her fault.

    Cactus Jack Splash – you are too kind! Thankyou so!

    Gotta hit the hay, people.

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