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Fairy-tale endings…

Once upon a time..
…there was a young man, who thought he was NEVER going to grow up.

As all around him reached higher, ran faster and weighed heavier… he felt like he just stayed the same. He looked for signs that one day, he would be big and strong just like his Daddy.

And (sometimes impatiently) this young boy waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Then one day… it happened.
The very first sign of maturity.
Oh how he rejoiced.
He could hardly keep his long fingers away from his mouth
From wriggling and wiggling and jiggling. Even his mother, with her notoriously strong stomach, felt a little queasy with some of his ‘fang manoeuvres. And then
One morning…
It happened.

And now he thpeakth like thith
And his mother cannot stop giggling,
and asking him to thay lotth of wordth with eth in them
And the little man wrote a special letter to a certain Tooth Fairy,
in the hope something magical might happen overnight.
He even scrubbed the perfect tiny tooth.
In case she is a picky kinda Tooth Fairy.
And he drifted off into a contented sleep, knowing full well that today, he was on his way to Being Big.
Oh… and Pam? If you are still reading, here’s one just for you!
I am pure evil!


  • A Novel Woman

    Okay, I’m sitting here with my morning coffee, checking my Google Reader for my regular morning reads as I slooooowly wake up because I’m NOT a MORNING PERSON and it’s a nice GENTLE way to wake up tra la la.

    Then I see a story about your sweet little boy I’ve come to “know” and I’m thinking, aw, this is JUST the ticket.

    Let me just say, that by the time I got to the last photo, I choked on my coffee, literally, then shook my hands wildly in front of me, then held my head and rocked back and forth, moaning a bit, trying to get the blood flow back to my brain.

    BB, it is ON.

    (racking brain for what it is that makes you squeamish….snakes? mice? those bits of food that get stuck in the sink strainer? AAAiiieee, no that’s me!!)

  • Andrea

    What a cutie! He has such pretty pearly whites!! I am a bit tooth obsessed!! I used to work in the Dental field!!

    Congrats Dash!!! I hope the Tooth Fairy gets your note!!

  • Debby

    Congratulations, Dash!

    Pam, BB is evil, and she delights in shocking. Let me tell you a goanna story…

    *walks off with Pam, patting her shoulder in a comforting way*

  • Kate

    wow that is a post. I was thinking it was a sweet story about Dash’s first rough days in the is world…NOPE! Just a stomach-turning look into his mouth. EEK! I’m really glad he finally got it out though. Did the toothfairy show up yet?

  • Wrensong Farm

    Even being 50 I still remember the feeling of wiggling my baby teeth….eeesh. It’s funny how children can’t wait to grow up and then when we “get there” we don’t want to get any older! Congratualations Dash on your first step to growing up!

  • Gem

    Congratulations on being toothless Dash! Now here’s question for you BB. Do you keep the tooth or do you throw it away? I have kept all of my childrens teeth – is that weird?

  • Jayne

    Go Dash!
    Kept my kids baby teeth…though when the vet gave me my dogs teeth too, after surgery, I was a bit non-plussed LOL.

  • Bush Babe

    Ah Diane – you are as evil as I! He he…

    Jayne – dog’s teeth? Really? Euwww…

    Gem – I have wrapped it up in his letter to the Tooth Fairy. And stowed it ‘safely’ in my handbag. From where I will surely lose it!

    WF – I think I had almost forgotten that feeling. But it’s back in spades! The next bottom tooth is loose now… here we go again!

    Kate – the Tooth Fairy did remember to come last night. She didn’t come the first night, as she was a bit tired after attending the Kindy Christmas Party (in disguise) and decided she needed a special letter before deigning to sprinkle some fairy dust around Dash’s bed. And leave 2 bucks.

    Debby – don’t go spilling all my secrets woman!! And don’t you two go ganging up on me … I introduced you remember? (Did I??) Heh.

    SW – couldn’t have thaid it better mythelf!!

    Andrea – I am hoping those teeth were clean enough for the dentally-minded in our midst!! Heh.

    Pam – Pam, Pam, Pam. Darling. No. Don’t push me away! You know I adore you. That’s why I did it. Us Aussies, we are all about getting your attention. Give us an achilles heel and we will gaze at it for a while and then have a little nip… It’s just not my fault! Forgive me??

    Hugs (even to those who don’t want them!)

  • Pencil Writer

    Oh! I remember the first tooth thing! I think I was living in Japan? Foggy memory now that I’m knocking on the BIG 60 door. Yeah. I think it was Japan. Someone told me to eat an apple and that would help the tooth come loothe. Didn’t work the first apple. Now the problems is . . . dare I say it? It’s not apples that perpetrate tooth loth. It’ths old age!! Dadgum it! (And bad, er, faulty genes.)

  • Jenni

    Congratulations to Dash on losing his first baby tooth! My kids all lost their first baby tooth at 7, so it sounds like maybe he is ahead of them. I just figure the longer they hold onto those baby teeth, the longer they’ll have the adult teeth:D

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