
Holy Giant Zucchini!

Have I mentioned before that we have a vegetable garden flourishing in our backyard? Considering how bad my repuation is as a gardener (can anyone say black thumb?) I am outrageously proud of the produce being, well, produced by my little bit of tilled soil. Because I have done NOTHING to this garden since it was planted a couple of months ago. Organic to the max, that’s me! (Some might say ‘lazy’… I say ‘to-mate-ohs, to-mart-ohs!’)

Sure my capsicums are a little slow in making it to the table… but the fruit is there.
And sure, my silverbeet has more holes in the leaves than actual leaf (this is where ‘organic’ kinda falls down in my estimation!) but the bits we have been game to eat have been delicious.

But the cucumbers and zucchinis… little did I know what these gorgeous yellow flowers would really transform into.
Oh baby! I have harvested dozens of the suckers.
Dozens I tell you!

If you run into me, you are not getting away without some form of long green vegetable in your handbag (or man bag, as the case may be!). Please keeps your minds out of the gutter at this mental picture…
As Jeanie has been visiting me, the mistress of Excel and all-thing-computer has whipped up an entire cookbook of zucchini recipes – and whipped up some of the dishes too. zucchini bread, zucchini biscuits… it’s been fantastic. Our salads have been outstanding and jars of pickled cucumbers now line my pantry!
I have been trying to keep ahead of the offerings from my vege patch, but sometimes (eg when we whip off for the weekend to catch the Cirque du Soleil) it gets a bit rambunctious and produces intimidating items like this
Zucchinis the size of a man’s forearm!!!
(And a very nice forearm it is too!)

What to do with such a monster?
(The vegetable, not the bloke!)

Mr Incredible’s favourite way to eat his favourite vege is simply steamed with a big dob of butter…

But I said STUFF IT!

So I did.

With meatballs!

(And yes, the kids had meatball spaghetti this night… see how I can plan so beautifully for our meals… variety without too much extra washing up, that’s me!)

You will just have to trust me that it tasted waaaaayyy better than it looked!
(You will note that I was not nominated for Best Food Blog in the Bloggie Awards! Go vote for PW or Smitten Kitchen now guys! I admit I was a bit torn over this one.)

The baked giant zucchini recipe (if you are interested) went something like this:

1. Wash giant zucchini

2. Show off giant zucchini to anyone within calling distance!

3. Split giant zucchini in half.

4. Scoop out seeds and some pulp to make a decent ‘dished’ area for stuffing the stuffing into.

5. Place veges upside down on a cake cooler set into a baking tray with about 5mm of water, place in moderate oven to steam.

6. Grab whatever takes your fancy (husbands included!) – but if you are still talking about stuffing vegetables, try something like: meatballs, chili con carne, or diced bacon and corn.

7. Add a little breadcrumbs and cheese to your stuffing mix. If it needs bulking up, add in some shredded zucchini.

8. When giant zucchini halves are slightly soft, remove from oven, turn over on rack and empty water from baking tray.

9. Stuff zucchinis (with items from # 6).

10. Sprinkle with some more breadcrumbs and cheese before placing tray back in oven.

11. Bake for about 15 minutes or until top is browned. A nice touch with the chili con carne version is a dollop of sour cream… depending on what your New Year resolution was!!

12. Devour!

Man, it’s lucky I love zucchinis and cucumbers… and anyone with a recommendation of what to do with them should feel free to leave it in the comments box.

Thankyou in anticipation!


  • Pencil Writer

    Maaaannnnnnn! We gotta do a garden this spring! I mean . . . I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE fresh veggies! And zuccini are one of my most favoritest of zem all!

    Who comes up with the WV ideas anyway? Mine is . . . licked. Hmm. Appropriate to this post?

  • jeanie

    Well, PW – mine isn’t really appropriate – “ardisme”…

    Zucchini are the best all time vegetables to do almost anything with.

    We have plans for the ones you gave me (including that last one I found yesterday – oh my) for dinner tonight.

  • Rose

    Oh how I miss fresh zucchini! We are in the middle of our winter (-35C here today). We manage to get some fairly large ones as well, and my mom has taken to only planting one plant in the garden now so we can keep up. I have a great recipe for Zucchini apple crisp if you’re interested. It uses about 8 cups of cubed zucchini so is a great recipe for using up a lot of it at once, and makes a 13×9″ pan of delicious dessert (no apples in sight, and no one can tell the difference!!)Email me at if you want the recipe!!! 🙂

  • dykewife

    zuccs can be grated up and added to carrot cake to reduce the amount of oil/butter needed for a moist cake. this makes that cream cheese frosting so much better for you 😀

    chop chunks into chili con carne (or make veggie chili leaving the carne, aka meat, out).

    if they get too big you can always compost them to make next season’s garden all rich.

  • Gem

    I have made zucchini pickle, zucchini slice, zucchini bolognaise, steamed zucchini, roasted zucchini, bbq zucchini AND THEY KEEP ON COMING!!!!! I am so over zucchini. I have now resorted to grating them and storing in freezer bags in the freezer to use in the winter!

  • Deb

    Congrats on a great harvest!

    We just throw the seed and pray for huge harvests. It simply grows here. What I wouldn’t do for fresh veggies right now- nothing growing here but snow 🙂
    I use most of my zuchinni for relish. It’s great on and in everything. My entire family eats it, even the kids.


  • Lydia

    Oh, I LOVE zucchini….

    My favorite is to fry up italian sausage, onion and zuchini slices, throw spagghetti sauce over and simmer. Then top with mozzarella & parmasan cheese. It is about like your stuffed zucc with the meatballs. yumm.

    I can't wait for summer.

  • sues2u2

    check out my fav is zucchini brownies. mmmmmm. but that site will also give you conversions for recipes too.

    we also like to eat zucchini cut into chunks & fried w/ cooked hamburger that's crumbled, yellow or crook neck squash (same thing) & onions. mmmm, baby!

  • Bush Babe

    Great ideas everyone – THANKS! I have a wealth of things to choose from…

    Rose… am completely stuck on your -35 degrees! Oh. My. God. Are you kidding me?? My extremities would have completely fallen off in shock at that kind of temp! I kid you not. I am a frog, and love the warmer weather.

    DW – great ideas there. Can I have your carrot cake recipe (or post it and let me know) with the zucc version please?

    Mmmmmm. Zucchini relish… now that sounds like the go!

    You guys are the bomb!

  • Debby

    Do you make zucchini bread?

    We ‘stuff’ our zucchini, much like you do, but another quick dish is to saute some peppers and onions, add zucchini, salt and pepper to taste, and then sprinkle with mozzarella cheese.

    The funny thing is that Tim never ate zucchini until he met me. He patiently explained that ‘he didn’t think he liked zucchini’. Then he ate one stuffed with meat, cheese, peppers, onions. Zucchinis are one of his favorites.

  • Pony Girl

    I’ve never seen anyone eat zucchini that way! 😉

    My mom used to make zucchini bread! I haven’t had it in years. I actually had brownies with zucchini in them last year. They were obviously “healthy.” You’d be shocked at how moist and good they were!

  • Sabra

    Zucchini bread with chocolate chips and either pecans or walnuts. Scrumptious. I love zucchini sauteed in butter with onion and tomatoe, simple summer love.

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