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Mystery photo/Favourite Things answer

How are you all feeling after the amazing Life’s Funny Like That Virtual Party we had here yesterday?
Hangovers anyone?
I do, mostly from all that uploading…
but gosh it was fun!!
Who’d have thought virtual could be so …fun?
Alrighty then…
where were we before the place got overrun by cats, dogs and wellwishers galore?
Oh that’s right

You were getting stumped by the mystery Christmas gift
No, it’s not a pencil holder, a peppermill, or AI tube holder

All intriguing answers though guys!! It’s a game…

A game based on a kids game, but slightly more challenging

A simple, fabulous game of three-dimensional noughts and crosses

Well, 3D coloured marbles tic-tac-toe!! Two players get a bag of marbles (in our case, yellow or blue ) and they take turns at placing them one-by-one in the holes of the three level game ‘board’. You play till all marbles are used, and then count the rows achieved of your colour…
See there is a blue row along the left of the image above?

And down the right hand side too..

You get rows not just along each plane, but down and diagonally too…

It works your mind

(well it does mine anyway, the lazy thing!)

tests your strategy


if you are a bit competitive

it can test your friendships too!

Not that I would know… I’m not competitive at all.
Not much.
I love it.
But Jeanie won’t play it with me – she’s a cards girl.
And she doesn’t like losing, let me warn you!
Something in the blood, you think?
What’s your favourite family game (boardgame or other)?


  • A Novel Woman

    Oh, crikey, I forgot to send in a guess. I actually thought it was for sorting loose change although the lack of edges kind of threw me.

    And I have a huge bowl of marbles on my bookcase a few feet away. Sheesh.

  • A Novel Woman

    ps Favourite boardgames are Balderdash, Cranium, and Racko, which my niece introduced me to a couple of years ago. All age levels can play that one together and it’s a lot of fun.

  • sues2u2

    We love Sorry, Agravation, Phase 10, Pretty, Pretty Princess & Pooh Bear Uno! Pretty much the stuff we can all play although my sg doesn't exactly play the same rules for Phase 10 as everyone else!

  • To The Manor Boyle

    I actually thought it might have been a vase.. How wrong was I! lol.

    De Vere and I play ‘checkers’ together.. however I am getting rather tired of loosing to him!

    meanwhile he plays Backgammon and I play Chess.. and never the twain..


  • Lydia

    My personal favorite is Apples to Apples.

    Although last Thanksgiving my (sci-fi nut) nephew and my (sci-fi nut) sister brought over the “Battlestar Galactica” board game. Who knew there was such a thing. The goal is to save the human species, and… well… my nephew and I pretty much let humanity die…. we were sad.

    Oh, did I mention that they brought the 1st 2 seasons of “Battlestar Galactica” on DVD and we watched that pretty much the rest of the time….. I must say, it was a very unique Thanksgiving!

  • Jenni

    A family favorite around here is Fictionary. All you need is pencils, paper, and a dictionary. On your turn, you must choose a word from the dictionary which no one knows and write the real definition on a piece of paper. Everyone else writes their own made up definitions on separate slips of paper. When all the definitions have been written and handed to the player who chose the word, they are given numbers and read. The other players must choose which definition they think is correct with the player who chose the word keeping track of how many votes each definition gets and who chose the correct definition. The player who chose the word gets a point for each player who did not choose the correct definition and the other players get points a) if they chose the correct definition and b) for each player who chose their made up definition.

    The idea is to write the most “dictionary sounding” and plausible definition you can think of, but often people go for humor instead. I love this game because I love word games and my family typically does not. This is one word game everyone enjoys and which always ends in lots of laughter, plus we are learning new words.

  • Rose

    I’ve actually always liked connect 4 lol and I also enjoy canasta and cribbage. I think I would have a hard time with that tic tac toe game, making sure I counted all the rows!! Where did you get it??

  • Kate

    Whew! I just recovered from that party! It was a doozie 🙂

    That game looks like fun, where would i get one? Does it have a brand name? We are definitely a card playing family but we like to shake it up once in a while with some marble games 🙂

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