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Vampires and Jess and magic

Hey there world… I have come out relatively unscathed from a weekend of vampires and werewolves (sorry, shape-shifters).


Almost 1400 pages in three days… plus visitors and Pony Club.  I THINK everyone got fed and watered properly but my house is a disaster zone.  Is the Twilight series a realistic excuse for letting the place go to rack and ruin? I know my wrist got tired holding those tomes up while reading in bed!

I adore reading… but since having Dash and Violet in my life, I have seriously pruned back in the reading department.  Blog are easier – a taste here, a taste there… unlike books which I INHALE when I get going.  I know what I am like… I quite literally enter another zone.  Fun but terrible for my checklist.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am not so much into the supernatural or violence, so really didn’t think I’d like the Twilight series (it has taken me quite a while to try them).  But once I tasted that first book… well, it was blood lust all round.  (Oh, the puns that could come out of a Twilight series review… don’t get me started!)   I literally consumed (*groan*) two massive books in about 10 hours of reading.  I was transported: mermerising, other-worldly, sweet, scary, action-packed, edge-of-the-seat suspense (oy, those Volturi!) quite well-researched and lots of angsty teen romance. Perfect escapism.

breaking dawn

I found all your comments on the ‘pre’ post intriguing – so many Twilight lovers out there!  And there are all kinds of takes on the series… it always amazes me what people (including me) read into the characters, into the ‘messages’ and why it appeals to certain social categories… interesting but also a tad confusing.  I get the whole mature and controlled versus young and best friends thing.  Edward versus Jacob. (I’m team both by the way – but Edward is ALWAYS going to win Bella, don’t you think?)

To me, this particular series of novels should be regarded as sweet, escapist books.  And sweet, escapist movies.  I wonder why some people/editors/critics need them to be more than that?  I have to say, I don’t see ANY of the characters as potential real-life role models for anyone (although Edwards self-control is kinda inspiring!). And yet I read parallels to between our society’s obsession with youth and the fascination for never-aging vampires, and see questions over the appropriateness of certain social behaviour within the book.  Me? I just like the fantasy of the innocent and supernatural – the kind that I can leave behind when the book is closed.

jessica large-poster

It’s kinda like how Our Jessica – that wonderful teenager who sailed around the world, and who can teach our pollies a thing or two about public speaking – is now being seen as some kind of all-encompassing role model extraordinaire.  It gets my hackles right up… give the kid a break. She did something amazing… at the age of 16.  Let’s not crush her with further expectations that say more about us than they do about her… or media intimidation – I was utterly horrified to see that TV crews were filming her eating dinner at a restaurant the night she got back on dry land.  Are they serious? I don’t need to see her eating – pretty sure most people want this remarkable young woman to enjoy her moment, but that is HARRASSMENT. Plain and simple.

And now all the speculation over how much money she might be worth?  What her brand is worth? And if she has a boyfriend? Really? Is this ANY of our business?  The truth (or our need to know it) seems irrelevent to editors at the moment.  And speculation is such a dangerous thing – it seems to feed off nothing and before you know it, the line between reality and fantasy is gone again.  Do we really need to damage her so soon?

Maybe I am naive. Maybe I am crazy.  But I believe we should be able to be just entertained. And just inspired. I don’t think we NEED more than that from the Twilight-style books, or the Jessica Watsons of our world.

Do we need to analyse everything to death?

Do we need to dim the magic?

Is what’s going on with Jessica just a Tall Poppy, Aussie thing that we do to our achievers?

Or is it a 2010 thing?

What do you think?

Do we over-analyse our entertainment and our heroes?

I’m really interested to know.


(I’ll be back to check after I wrassle with the housework… or after I dive into the Midnight Sun partial draft which someone emailed me last night… Help!)


  • UtahZen

    Yes, yes and yes. It drives me so bonkers.

    I see movies all the time that i think are just so fun and entertaining, then i get to work and my coworkers analyze them into the ground. I’m not expecting Dumb and Dumber to win an Oscar, it’s just supposed to be funny! Same with the Twi-books. They are just entertaining and fun and magical. And DEFINITELY with poor people like Jessica. Why do we need to know everything little thing about her life? That is how tragedies end up happening, like Princess Diana. I think it ruins the magic when we know so much about actors and such, it’s hard to believe them in their movie roles. And when we over-analyze our heroes we sometimes find things that we don’t want to know.

    Can you tell this subject gets me riled up? 🙂 I’ll stop now!

    And i hope that Jessica comes out of this well. She is an awesome individual.


    As long as the masses buy the mags/watch the news (entertainment) shows, there will always be a lust for this stuff
    Unfortunately for Jessica, this means her profile out there
    Where’s the balance?
    I’m sure when she was out there knocking on doors, looking for sponsorship, ANY kind of name recognition would have helped her out
    Careful what you wish for
    Unfortunately, it’s the way the game is played these days
    So if you want to act, sing, be an athlete – and you turn out to be successful – you’re essentially welcoming this into your life
    Is it right?
    Is it uncomfortable to watch it happen to a 16 year old kid
    Let’s just hope her parents continue to protect her and not let her become a commodity
    Rant over (& I didn’t even swear ONCE!)
    Carry on


  • Jayke

    I’m a firm believer in reading into things that have depth, and leaving everything else well enough alone. This can be applied to books, and the current celeb that has everyone talking:

    Twilight – I agree with you, the books are an escape, and anyone who knocks them for being nothing more are missing the point.
    However, I’m also reading a series right now (His Dark Materials) that is packed full of symbolism and has some really interesting commentary of God and religion. I love it, because it was written with depth, so I try to interpret it. Completely different kind of escape.

    When it comes to celebrities – there are some people out there who really are extremely interesting and give serious thoughts to all of their actions, maybe those people are interesting to try and learn about.

    Most people, however, aren’t, and when it comes to them, we should just leave well enough alone, and stop invading their privacy.
    .-= Jayke´s last blog ..Life is Good! =-.

  • Kelly

    The Twilight books were just pure pleasure reading for me. No analyzing anything from my viewpoint. And yes, although I might be Team Jacob I DO believe Bella and Edward belonged together.

    I agree with those who suggested you read SM’s “grown-up” novel “The Host”. It’s very good!!

    Don’t get me started on the media. I realize it’s a price you pay for fame, but that doesn’t always make it right.
    .-= Kelly´s last blog ..Destination Science: Arkansas, USA =-.

  • Pencil Writer

    Ditto most of what everyone said above. The media stinks in lots of ways. It takes a tough, well-centered person–with family/friends they can REALLY trust to keep them even keeled amidst the overpowering, over intrusive media folks. I think there are a few who probably are more sane/realistic than the majority.

    Glad we have freedom of speech. Just wish more folks would gather a bit more wisdom to add to the mix.

    Love ya, BB. Thanks for the fun and all in this blog!

  • pony girl

    So glad to hear you read and enjoyed the books! I agree, sometimes we take ourselves (as a society) so seriously. And heroes and movie stars and athletes get put on a pedestal and have way too much attention on their every move- both good and bad. I mean, there are plenty of husbands cheating on their wives out there in every day “reality”- yet we trash the likes of Tiger and Jesse James. I am not defending them, I just think they aren’t worth all the publicity and we don’t really know their life, marriage or issues- it’s not our business, even if it is in the public eye! Giving someone negative attention is still giving them attention.
    Are you going to see Eclipse when it comes out? June 30th here! 🙂

    • Bush Babe

      Oh yes… apparently it’s July 1 in Oz… I won’t be anywhere near a cinema but you can bet I’ll find some excuse to go to the big smoke that month!!!

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